thanos (thanos)
2014-06-27 10:00:05火箭官网记者Jonathan Feigen:
In a best-case scenario if the Rockets cannot land Anthony or James, the
Rockets could use the New Orleans pick as part of a package to try to land
All-Star forward Kevin Love from Minnesota, though the Wolves have seemed
determined to get a win-now piece that the Rockets might not have to offer as
they did when they sent Kevin Martin to Oklahoma City in the deal for Harden.
交易那样能送出像Kevin Martin的即战力球员。
The Rockets likely will receive only a future second-round pick for Lin, not
a first-rounder like the got for Asik, a person with knowledge of the Rockets
’ trade talks said.
如果真的成真 这胖子会不会太神?
作者: encorej77107 2014-06-27 11:40:00
原本以为火箭要倒贴首轮才清的掉林的合约火箭不一定要补大鱼吧...冰箱炒掉 补绿叶 也会成功asik+林 基本上火箭都不太用 如果签会用的 阵容也算有补强