[外絮] Miami Heat season on brink after anoth

楼主: djviva (时鼠无奈)   2014-06-13 14:02:28
Miami Heat season on brink after another lopsided home loss to Spurs
在另一次主场被马刺屠杀后热火的球季已处在崩溃的边缘 http://tinyurl.com/ltjnrcf
The Heat suffers its second home blowout loss in a row to the Spurs to fall
into a 3-1 hole and put its hopes of a three-peat in jeopardy.
热火在主场连续两次被马刺打爆, 被推向了3-1落后的悬崖边, 他们真的希望能展现出背
On their plane ride from San Antonio to Miami on Monday morning, the Heat’s
players had momentum and home-court advantage, and there was a very real
belief that a third consecutive championship was only three victories away.
当他们这周一从圣安东尼奥搭机返回迈阿密备战时, 热火有着坚若磐石的主场优势, 且
The return trip to Texas will have a decidedly different feel.
但今日, 准备搭机去德州时, 雕栏玉砌应犹在, 只是朱颜改....三场胜利的距离没变,
After losing a pair of games at home in the NBA Finals, the Heat now must win
three consecutive games to accomplish its dynastic goal.
主场二连败之后, 热火面临到必须连赢三场才能完成他们三连霸的宿愿了
Of all the magic this team has conjured in its past three postseasons, a
comeback from a 3-1 series deficit to these revenge-driven San Antonio Spurs
would be the biggest trick of all.
面对前来复仇的马刺跟3-1的窘境, 前三次季后赛热火所有展现过的神蹟, 这次若要再
In Game 3, the Spurs simply couldn’t miss. In Game 4 on Thursday night, the
Heat simply looked ready for the offseason.
第三战马刺有着势在必得的觉悟, 第四战后, 热火看来已经准备好要去放暑假了
For the second game in a row, the Spurs ran laps around the two-time
defending champions in the first half, but this time the Heat didn’t even
give chase. It ended in a 107-86 victory for the Spurs, who now stand just
one victory away from their fifth championship of the Tim Duncan era. The
first was in 1999.
今天跟上一战一样, 上半场对付热火这两届总冠军队, 马刺再次打出了大量的跑动, 不
同的是今天热火跟不上了, 最终让马刺以107-86拿下第四战的胜利, 距离叮当肯的第五
枚冠军戒只有一场胜利的距离, 他的第一枚戒指是在1999年拿到的
Game 5 of the Finals is on Sunday night at San Antonio’s AT&T Center.
A dunk by Duncan gave the Spurs a 21-point lead in the third quarter, and,
following a missed three-point attempt by Ray Allen, Spurs forward Kawhi
Leonard answered with a demoralizing three-pointer of his own to make it
Spurs 73, Heat 49. The Heat called timeout with 3:48 left in the period, and
Spurs reserve Patty Mills ran onto the court waving a towel in celebration.
第三节叮当肯一次灌篮让马刺领先到21分, 接着在雷神三分失手后, 可爱立马回敬了颗
彻底击垮热火军心的三分球, 让比数来到73-49, 此时热火喊了暂停, 但马刺的P.Mills
Either in protest of Mills’ celebration or just in objection to the Heat’s
poor play, fans began booing as the Heat walked to its bench.
主场球迷开始鼓譟大嘘走向板凳区的热火, 不知道是在抗议Mills的无礼庆祝, 还是热火
The Heat did a lot of walking on this night.
Miami began showing signs of fatigue during the first quarter. By the fourth,
Dwyane Wade was simply losing his dribble in transition for turnovers.
第一节热火就露出了疲态, 第四节Wade甚至还在运球时轻易的掉球失误
No one looked particularly sharp for the Heat, but Wade’s struggles were
pronounced. He finished 3 of 13 from the field for 10 points and was subbed
out of the game with five minutes to play.
热火今天没有人看来有格外专注在赢球上, 但Wade今天的鸟表现特别被点了出来, 13投
3中拿下10分的Wade, 赛末前5分钟被拉下场休息
LeBron James finished with 28 points, going 10 of 17 from the field, 4 of 8
from three-point range and 4 of 6 from the free-throw line. He left the game
with the Heat trailing by 22 points with 3:38 remaining and ripped the
compression sleeve off his arm in disgust. James gave the Heat a momentary
spark in the third quarter with 10 points in four minutes, but the Heat
trailed by double digits for the entire second half.
詹皇˙喇叭砍下28分, 17投10中, 包含三分球8中4颗, 另外罚球6中4, 他在赛末前3:38
热火落后22分时离场, 生气的撕破了护臂, 他在第三节四分钟内连拿10分带给热火些许
追上的希望, 无奈队友不争气, 热火整个下半场都处在两位数落后的窘境
A three-pointer by Allen cut the Spurs’ lead to nine points with 6:27 left
in the second quarter. That was the only time in the final 36 minutes of the
game that the Spurs’ lead dropped below 10 points.
第二节6:24时雷神轰进一颗三分让分差只剩9分, 这是第一节过后热火唯一一次比分只
For the second consecutive game, Leonard led the Spurs in scoring and now
should be considered the frontrunner for Finals MVP. He finished with 20
points, going 7 of 12 from the field and 1 of 3 from three-point range, after
scoring 29 points in Game 3.
连两场可爱˙Leonard都拿下全队最高分, 现在甚至有希望竞逐FMVP, 今天他12投7中拿
下20分, 包含三分球3中1, 上一场可爱则有29分的表现
On Tuesday, Leonard was the driving force behind the Spurs handing the Heat
its first loss of the postseason at AmericanAirlines Arena. In his encore,
Leonard snapped the Heat’s run of 13 consecutive postseason victories after
a loss.
在第三战, 可爱是马刺攻势的主动力, 热火因此被破了季后赛主场金刚不败之身;
再者, 今天第四战, 热火季后赛败后必胜的13连胜又是被可爱硬生生画下句点
Spurs guard Tony Parker had 19 points, and Duncan finished with 10 points and
11 rebounds. The Spurs outrebounded the Heat 44-27.
顺带一提, 趴车19分, 叮当肯10分11篮板, 团队篮板数马刺以44-27压过热火
For the Heat, it all fell apart during the second quarter.
热火, 则是在第二节里分崩离析
“Our main concern is putting our best game forward,” Heat coach Erik
Spoelstra said before the game.
That didn’t happen.
昨晚不晓得有没有喝光老板送的三瓶红酒的˙师婆表示 "最重要的是把我们最好的表现
出来" 但这并没有发生
There were many ways to describe statistically the Heat’s ineffectiveness in
the first half, but here are the four best, or worst, depending on the
对于上半场热火所表现出来的低效率, 我们能用很多数据上的角度来说明, 以下是四个
最好or最坏的说来给大家听听, 好或坏就看你用什么角度去看囉
作者: blackmamba24 (阿纬)   2014-06-13 14:28:00
作者: johnny790218 (全知)   2014-06-13 15:14:00

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