[外絮] The day after the Spurs got ridiculous

楼主: djviva (时鼠无奈)   2014-06-12 14:01:35
The day after the Spurs got ridiculously hot http://tinyurl.com/kjrl69c
Game3疯狂暴热手感后, 隔天的马刺们
Spurs coach Gregg Popovich, on the taciturn nature of Kawhi Leonard: “He’s
a really respectful, polite young man, and he speaks less than Timmy ever
did. So I think it’s going to take a long time for him to get really
comfortable, but I don’t think you’re ever going to get him to sit down and
expound on a whole lot of things (to the media). He just wants to do his job.
He wants to be a great player and go home. That’s basically who he is.”
神鬼教头˙波波谈到天生寡言的Kawhi Leonard:
可爱真的是位很尊重他人 & 有礼貌的年轻人, 他的话甚至比叮当肯还少, 所以我想他还
得再经过一段时间后才能放松适应, 并且我也不觉得你能让他在媒体面前乖乖的坐下然
后夸夸其谈, 可爱只想做好他份内的活, 他只想成为一名伟大的球员然后..回家, 这就是
Heat guard Dwyane Wade, on attributing Spurs’ shooting in Game 3 to ‘one of
those nights’: “No, no. No, no, you don’t chalk it up to that. You don’t
chalk it up to oh, they just shot well. It was their night. It wasn’t our
night. No, you have to do something about it. They shot well for a reason.
Each person individually has to look at themselves in the mirror to see what
you can do better, and as a group see what we can do better to all help each
other. Because that is the way we are on both ends of the floor.”
对于马刺第三战的火烫手感, 炎帝˙Wade是这么说的:
No no no no! 你不能只是这样看, 不单单只是他们投的好, 第三战是他们的日子, 不是
我们的, 这样而已. 他们出手那么准有它的道理, 他们每个人都必须好好的自问自己能
做什么让球队更好, 然后整个球队自问我们能做什么来让彼此更好. 这我懂, 因为我们
Spurs point guard Tony Parker, on earning a critical road win in Game 3: “We
think we can win on every court. We have the best record on the road, and we
love playing on the road. Sometimes I feel like we play better on the road
than at home. So I don’t think we had doubts that we can win in Miami. Now
we realized it was a crazy game and we’re not going to play like that every
night, that’s for sure. But hopefully we can keep playing well.”
在赢得了第三战客场关键胜利后, 法国跑车˙Tony Parker表示:
无论在哪个球场我们都有信心赢下比赛! 我们有着最好的客场作战纪录, 而且我们也喜欢
在客场比赛, 甚至有时我会觉得我们在客场还打的比较好, 哈哈! 所以我不认为对于在迈
阿密赢球这事上面我们马刺会有任何怀疑. 但我们也懂第三战实在太疯狂了点, 不可能在
以后每一场都能那样表现, 我们只希望未来能持续的打出好表现.
Heat forward LeBron James, on his potential free agency this summer: ”I don’
t know how I’ll prioritize it this summer or in the future. That’s kind of
like on the back burner right now, me figuring out how I’m going to
prioritize Tony Parker and Kawhi Leonard and Duncan, and Danny Green and
Ginobili, Patty Mills and Boris Diaw and Tiago Splitter, and the list goes on
and on, Matt Bonner, Gregg Popovich, and Ime Udoka and those kind of guys.
That is the last thing I’m thinking about right now. Not prioritize me going
into the future.”
我还不知道这个夏天或是未来我会怎样安排, 现在有点像是处于火炉后面, 我脑子里现在
想的只有马刺的所有人, 只有这个, 没想别的
Spurs forward Kawhi Leonard, on finding his niche among the Big Three: ”When
I first got drafted by the Spurs, I knew who I was playing with and I knew
what type of system they played. So I just knew I wasn’t going to get the
ball right away or just be a focal point with these great players on the
team. But now I just try to play my game and go out there and be aggressive.”
至于一战震天下的可爱˙Leonard, 聊到了他跟马刺GDP三巨头的相处:
从前当我在选秀被马刺选中时, 我明白我的队友们是谁, 我也懂我们会打的战术是什么,
所以我只知道我不会是掌握著主要球权的人, 在这些伟大的队友们身旁我也不会是球队的
焦点, 但现在我会试着让大家更熟悉我的名字, 并且在场上打的更积极!
Heat forward Rashard Lewis on the Spurs’ fast start in Game 3: “When that
water gets turned on, it’s hard to cut it off, and we let them turn that
water on early in the first quarter instead of setting the tone. I thought
they set the tone early in the game, and we played catch?up the whole night.
I thought we exhausted ourselves trying to catch up and ran out of gas.”
水只要一煮滚就很难让他凉, 而我们却在一开始就让马刺早早的把水煮滚, 而不是让我们
掌握著主导权. 他们很快就建立比赛的基调而我们整晚都在苦苦追赶, 我想这让我们耗尽
Spurs guard Manu Ginobili on picking up where the Spurs left off in Game 3: ”
Sometimes we can do it and sometimes we can’t. It’s not that we play by
ourselves. It’s an opponent that presents you with a lot of trouble and
difficulties, and it’s a tough series. We’re playing a wonderful team, so
we’re going to try to do the same, of course. It’s going to be pretty hard
to shoot 19?for?21 in the first few minutes, but the goal is the same.
Sometimes we can, and sometimes it’s very hard.”
这不是我们每次想要就能办到的, 这也不是我们惯有的打法, 我们面对的是总给我们带来
许多麻烦跟困难的对手, 这是很难打的总冠军系列赛, 热火是支很棒的队伍, 所以当然我
们总是会想试着做出些什么, 在比赛前段要投进19还是21颗球相当的难, 但目标是取下胜
利这点则是一样的, 有时我们能办到, 有时很难, 这样而已
Heat guard Ray Allen, on the experience of watching a rout like Game 3 on
film: “It sucks.”
雷神˙艾伦重看了第三战影片后, 说: 干, 烂毙了
Heat coach Erik Spoelstra, on the struggles of Heat point guard Mario
Chalmers: “You want him to know we still have faith in him, trust in him and
we need him. And he’s been able to play through tough times and been able to
bounce back. Look, he’s not the only guy that’s been struggling at some
point, and the most important thing is you have an opportunity to help and
impact a win in the next game.”
师婆˙爱力克, 提到了阵中迟迟无法吃到香菇变身超级玛莉的掐魔斯:
我们都想让他知道我们对他仍有爱, 有信任, 而且需要他, 以前他也曾在不顺时摆脱困境
恢复身手, 又不是只有他陷入过低潮, 最重要的是下一次他仍有机会去帮助球队赢球!
Spurs forward Boris Diaw on the Spurs’ ball movement in Game 3: ”The more
you move the ball, the more you move their defense, the more vulnerable they
乾坤大挪移, 倚天屠龙记看过没? 你如果把球更多的传来转去, 对方的防守就会渐渐被你
化去, 然后对手就越来越容易被你打败
Heat forward Chris Bosh, on what Miami must to do regroup for Game 4: “Just
play the game. We don’t have to do anything different. When we did something
different and deviated from what we normally do, we got our ass kicked. We
just have to trust each other.”
没啊! 就好好打球呗! 没需要多做啥不同的~ 只要我们开始东想西想, 想做些啥跟我们平
常做的不同的事, 我们的屁股就会被踢.... 所以我们只要好好相信队友就好~
Spurs forward Tim Duncan on appreciating the game as he nears retirement: ”I
think in the last couple years I’ve really kind of taken a step back and
stopped and enjoyed what the journey means. As it comes to a close on my
career, and I know it is, I appreciate it more. I appreciate every game more.
I appreciate every accomplishment, and everything that we get to go through
and every experience, knowing that it might be the last time I do it.”
石佛˙叮当肯, 很感谢在他临近退休前还能有过这么棒的比赛:
近几年来, 我让自己退后一步来好好享受比赛旅途中所带来的点点滴滴, 在我NBA生涯末
期还能享受到这样的比赛, 我真的很感激, 感激所有的一切 (哭哭)
Heat guard Norris Cole on the Spurs’ execution in Game 3: “Oh, man. They
were making shots and we were also making mistakes. When you’re playing at
the highest level of competition, you can’t have both. You can’t have a
team that’s hot making every shot, and then you’re also having breakdowns
on both ends. It seems overwhelming.”
热火某后卫: 这样高档次的比赛, 不能在他们手感好时我们还一直失误 (质疑一哥二哥?)
Spurs guard Danny Green on whether he realized the Spurs had started 19 for
21 in Game 3: “I did not know that. I knew we were shooting it really well.
I knew we had some easy baskets, I knew we had a lot of baskets early in the
paint, and I knew we scored a lot. But I thought it was due to us keeping
the pace and getting a lot of attempts up.”
被问到是否知道马刺第三战一开始21投19中, 圣堂射手˙小绿说:
我真的不知道, 我只知道我们的手感很棒, 有过几次简单的投篮, 并且砍下不少分, 这样
而已. 我想那应该是我们一直维持着步调跟持续的攻击篮框吧!
作者: poopooyou168 (CC)   2014-06-12 14:35:00
作者: tom501062003 (池袋情报商)   2014-06-12 14:36:00
腿詹满脑子都马刺的人 果然再考虑去马刺抱腿惹
作者: pennymarkfox (潘尼老狐狸)   2014-06-12 15:18:00
we got our ass kicked翻成被打爆比较好?

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