[外絮] Love <--> Jimmy Bulter + Taj Gibson?

楼主: taylorliao (Page)   2014-06-08 21:31:46
Love in Chicago
Chicago, said to be Love’s other preferred destination, has the 16th and 19th
picks in this year’s draft in addition to burgeoning talents Jimmy Butler and
Taj Gibson. Gibson, who will turn 29 this month, is deceptively old. It’s
unclear whether the Bulls would throw the 2013-14 Defensive Player of the Year,
Joakim Noah, onto the table. Boston Herald
目前传言芝加哥是 Kevin Love 的另一个心仪的落脚处,公牛手上也拥有今年选秀会上第16
和第19顺位签,可以当作崛起中新星 Jimmy Bulter 和 Taj Gibson 的包裹配菜。而即将在
本月步入29岁的 Taj Gibson(1985年6月24出生)也不算年轻了。目前还不能确定公牛方面是
否会为了交易 Love 把今年刚出炉的年度最佳防守球员 Joakim Noah 端上交易桌。
Bulls (10.11M) Timberwolves (15.71M)
Jimmy Bulter (2.11M) <
作者: encorej77107   2014-06-08 21:33:00
没Noah 就是超烂一包
作者: steven610381 (Keiko Kitagawa is mine.)   2014-06-08 21:43:00

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