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: http://www.goldenstateofmind.com/2013/12/20/5229500/fire-mark-jackson
: 如果无法以胜负评断一个教练,我们如何评断呢?
: I would argue that you judge an NBA coach in three areas:
: 可以三个地方来评论
: The first is tactical. Does he understand rotations and timeouts? Does the
: team run offenses that respect its strengths and limitations? Does the
: defensive strategy make sense given the players? Does the coach make dynamic
: changes to exploit matchups during the game? Don Nelson was great at this.
: Eric Spoelstra is doing this at an elite level today.
: 1.战术
: 教练懂得轮值转换及喊暂停的时机吗? 进攻时能让球队反映出强度及极限吗?
: 给球员的防守策略合理吗?教练能适时在比赛中利用对位吗? 老尼精于此道
: 湿婆也是
: The second is motivationally. This is important, and casual fans often
: underestimate it. Do the players buy into the team concept? Does the team
: show up and play every day? Phil Jackson was the master of this.
: 2.动机上
: 这很重要,一日球迷常常低估这项指标。球员能融入球队吗? 球队能在每晚稳定发挥吗?
: 禅师依然精于此道
: The third is leadership. Does the coach provide a steady hand? Does he give
: the players enough rope to make mistakes, while still not tying himself to a
: sinking ship? Do players understand their roles and commit to them? Is the
: team resilient - can they steady themselves when the bounces and calls go the
: other way? Greg Popovich is the gold standard here.
: 3.领导力
: 教练能稳定地提供帮助吗?他能给予球员犯错的空间但不让他自暴自弃吗?
: 球员能理解自身的角色并且接受吗?这球队有韧性吗?
: 即使状况不好的时候,他们能稳定地发挥吗?
: 波波是金牌指标
: Mark Jackson is failing in all three areas.
: Jackson 三样都不及格
: Tactically, this team is a mess. Against bad teams, the team's superior
: passing makes this irrelevant, but against good defenses things get really
: ugly. The team reverts to isos despite not having particularly good isolation
: players. The bench unit hardly even looks like it's trying to run an offense
: at all, resulting in ugly turnovers as players who shouldn't be creating
: one-on-one have no choice but to try. The failure to install a second-unit
: offense is squarely on the coach.
: 战术上,勇士队一团混乱。对抗 no good team 的时候没什么差,但在面对好球队的时候
: 进攻变得很糟。在没有拥有够好的单打球员情况下,球员开始单打。板凳上来时看起来
: 就像是不会进攻,明明没机会,却尝试不该尝试的单打导致了低级失误。
: 板凳的问题就是教练的责任啦
: Mark Jackson doesn't have the slightest clue as to when to call timeouts, and
: his management of rotations makes no sense at all. He either runs players
: into the ground, or goes full bench mob, which is entirely ineffective, when
: some simple changes (running Draymond more with the starters, Lee and
: Iguodala with the bench) would seem to be logical improvements.
: Jaskson 不懂得喊暂停的时机,换球员上场的时机看起来一点道理都没有
: 要嘛就是一直打,要嘛就是整场坐板凳,这样做是很没效率的
: 让 Draymond Green 跟先发一起发挥、Lee跟小AI带着板凳打看起来是比较合理的
: Mark Jackson's calling card has supposedly been his ability to be a
: motivator, but the reality is that this team has not been showing up
: regularly. The slow starts are on the coach. How often have you ever seen a
: Popovich, Jackson, or Riley coached team just not show up for the first
: quarter? The Warriors already have multiple losses against teams they should
: beat simply because they couldn't be bothered to show up until the second
: quarter.
: Jackson 在鼓舞士气上看起来是比较好的,但是球队的问题在于无法稳定发挥
: 慢热是教练的问题。你很常看到波波、禅师、莱利执教的球队第一节打得很差吗?
: 勇士输了几场可以轻易赢的比赛就是因为第二节才开始进入状况
: Leadership is also lacking. Compare how Thibideau has handled Boozer with how
: Jackson has handled Lee. While neither will ever be a great defensive player,
: Boozer, for most of his tenure with the Bulls, has bought in. He moves his
: feet, gets his arms up, and moves to the right spot on defense. I just
: watched Lee back away from a shooter with his arms spread, making it
: impossible for anyone else to help.
: 领导力也不足
: 比较一下老席如何处理 Boozer 跟Jackson处理 Lee。Lee 跟 Boooooo 都不是好的防守者
: boooooo能移动脚步、手伸起来 (防守)、移动到对的地方防守
: 反观 Lee,离出手者很远的地方挥舞着手,导致根本没人可以帮忙防守
: How is it that in over two season with Jackson, Lee hasn't figured out how to
: put his arms up when he helps on defense? That he still can't set a decent
: screen?
: Lee 在 Jackson 麾下都超过两季了, Lee 难道还不知道如何用用他的手帮忙防守?
: 还不知道如何帮忙单档吗?
: Klay's mental lapses are primarily on Klay, but one could forget that Shaq
: was known for similar things early in his career, and Phil Jackson did a lot
: of work with him. Jackson has shown no ability to help Klay out of his funks.
: 汤神心灵上的毛病当然主要还是在他自己身上。
: Shaq 也有类似的问题,禅师处理得很好,但 Jackson 看起来对于汤神的问题无能为力
: The turnover problem has been on the players, sure, but it's the coach's job
: to find adjustments, to get the players to play a little more within
: themselves to address that problem. Jackson seems to have no ability to get
: the team to play within themselves, and his only method of slowing things
: down is to go into repeated isolations.
: 失误当然是球员的问题,但如何调整就是教练的责任了,去帮助球员找出问题的根源
: 但 Jackson 的妙方就是反复执行单打去避免失误发生
: And the Warriors frequently seem to play like a team that, if you challenge
: them, fold faster than superman on laundry day. Time after time it's come
: down to Curry's heroics to pull us back into games, and not even Michael
: Jordan won consistently when it was up to him to pull the team's ass out of
: the fire.
: 勇士常见的问题如下,如果你挑战他们,他们崩毁地很快。一次又一次地
: 靠着 Curry 把比赛打得焦著,就算是 Jordan 也不可能在这种状况下
: 将球队带离火坑一直赢下去
: Jackson said recently that he had "I'm finding that the guys in suits and
: ties want it more than the guys in the uniforms." Guess what, Jackson? That's
: your job right there. It seems like his go-to move when frustrated is to say
: something to the media, but you can only go to that well so many times ...
: and at this point, it's already dry.
: Jackson 近来说道 "我发现穿西装打领带的那些人要得比穿球衣的那些人还多"
: (教练想要球员表现得更好)
: 猜猜说这话的是谁? Jackson? 这不正是他的责任吗? 当沮丧时就对媒体说这些?
: 换点其他招式吧
: The Warriors have good talent. They have an elite point guard in Curry, a
: great two-way player in Iguodala, and a top defensive center in Bogut.
: Rounding out our starting five we have players in Lee and Thompson who can be
: great when used the right way, but who have weaknesses which a coach needs to
: find ways to work with. When you add in a versatile player like Draymond who
: would have a role on every team in the league, and a young player with talent
: like Barnes who needs to be honed but clearly has potential, you have a team
: that should be doing better than these guys are doing.
: 勇士是有很好的天分的,特别是后卫 Curry,攻守俱佳的小 AI 及顶尖防守中枢 Bogut
: 在先发中,如果能好好运用 Lee 跟 汤神的话是可以发挥很大的作用的,但他两的缺点
: 需要靠教练去帮忙掩饰。当你拥有多功能球员如 Draymond,他可以在联盟任何
: 一支球队中找到他的定位,或是有天分但还需要磨练的年轻人 Barnes在阵中
: 这支球队应该要表现得比现在更好才对
: The defensive intensity in the fourth quarter against the Spurs, the
: comebacks against Houston and Charlotte showed us that this team has the
: talent to play very good basketball. But somehow, they don't do it
: consistently. That's on the coach.
: 对阵马刺时第四节的防守强度、对火箭及山猫时落后追上,这些告诉我们这支球队
: 是有天分去把球赛打好的,但不知怎地他们无法稳定地表现
: 这当然是教练的责任
: Hiring Mark Jackson wasn't a terrible decision. It was a gamble, sure, but
: not all gambles that don't work out are bad plays. The biggest mistake is to
: push more chips to the center of the table in a desperate attempt to save a
: lost hand.
: 雇用 Jackson 不是一个坏主意但有点赌的成分,不是所有赌输都是不好的赌局
: 最大的错误在于梭哈求胜
: The worst thing the team could do is to use the injuries as an excuse. Yes,
: losing O'neal and Ezeli hurt. Yes, missing Iguodala for a couple of weeks
: hurt. But well-coached teams don't collapse when missing a single key player.
: (If you needed any evidence of that, just look at last night: The Spurs were
: on the second night of a back-to-back, and down three of their four best
: players, and they found a way to win. The Warriors lose Iguodala and go into
: a tailspin for two weeks, with no adjustments, to attempt to work around the
: problem.
: 最糟的就是用伤病来当借口。
: 是的,O'neal跟Ezeli是伤了。是的,小AI伤了几周。
: 但是一个好的球队不会因为缺了一位重要球员就崩坏,你要证据我就给你看
: (昨天马刺打了背靠背而且还少了最佳四位球员中的三位结果还是赢了)
: 反观勇士,少了小 AI 在原地打转了两周而不调整、找出并且解决问题
: (注:不知道这篇作者在说哪场)
: The problem is Jackson. It's time for him to go.
: 当然是 Jackson 的问题无误,是时候让他打包走人了
: 短评或心得:(如来源是中文的情报或新闻,请加上心得感想,字数不限
: 未加者将文章退回+删文,谢谢大家的配合)
: 虽然勇士有一些伤病的困扰,但问题在于教练身上,所以你就打包吧
: Jackson 有这么差吗? @@
看勇士火了大屁股在我看来 也是另外一种赌
火了他 请别的教练来 更像是另外 一种赌了
(西区4~6名 止步于第一或二轮)
我以翻译来说 勇士管理曾说了一堆用几乎是神坛级的教练
我的观点是 那也请制服组比照办理
电梯战术就是一种 还延伸出很多变化型
让浪花兄弟的运作空间很大 我觉得没啥可挑剔的
(今天内线可不算是多好的等级 又伤..)
看勇士比赛 很HIGH没错
咖哩就过半场就喷了 进的是很HIGH
可是球队整体节奏 却还是很乱
前两年至少还有个JACK 可以调一下
(管理层就算不想花钱留人 至少也该找个类似程度的替补)
今年后半段找来BLAKE 就作用不大 季后赛上的时间就少
就是看着他 打自己的节奏 没有把整队HOLD住
在我看来 就是变成一种 球队除了他 又还能有谁?
上述三点或许都不是顶尖 但绝对不会是不及格!
在板凳席上 累积了一卡车的2~3号球员
苦工4号跟替补4.5号?在哪? 就光靠小欧一个人撑
管理层今天就给你这种菜 在比赛中看来
4年4800 今年平均9.3分 4.7板
他好用 防守行
今天BOGUT 就伤了
到最后说穿了 管理层 根本把自己当作
请看看拓荒者 去年还是垫底
而不是把自己想成神 然后让底下的教练去领绳吧..