Yench (闲闲没事)
2014-01-14 14:49:42有消息囉!!
As it turns out, 29,233,380 seconds equates to 338 days, which would equal
the amount of time from when he had ACL surgery to Friday Jan. 17. The
Celtics will take on the Lakers and that seems like a very reasonable target
date. Yahoo! Sports reported Rondo would return on that date and coach Brad
Stevens said his star point guard would return "sooner rather than later."
It's probably safe to assume Rondo will be in action, but he will be likely
be on a minutes limit for quite some time.
总之 是一件好事 绿血人老大回来了!!
※ 引述《Yench (闲闲没事)》之铭言:
: 但是...
: Update: Rajon Rondo not targeting Jan. 17
: Updating a previous item, Rajon Rondo (knee) is not targeting a return to the
: lineup on Jan. 17.
: Advice: "I don't know where that came from," Rondo said of Friday's report of
: his return coming later this month. The Celtics have not really been very
: revealing in their plan with Rondo, but he is believed to be targeting a
: return before the All-Star break.
: Yahoo! Sport
: 大意是说
: 软豆:"我不知道这消息怎么来的?!"(1/17复出的消息)
: 虽然有传言说他会在明星赛之前复出
: 但老赛并没有表明这个时间点...
: 空欢喜一场= =+
: ※ 引述《sampsonlu919 (SNL应该在PTT有专版)》之铭言:
: : http://bit.ly/1iw55Zh
: : Rondo将在1/17对上湖人时复出!
: : 根据Yahoo! Sport的报导指出,一直处于复健状态的Rajon Rondo将在1/17对上湖人的
: : 比赛时复出。
: : Rondo:“我认为我准备好了,但还不是一个最好的状态。我可以上场出战,帮助球队
: : 约10分钟左右,我认为这样比较不会伤害球队。”
: : 而队友Brandon Bass对于Rondo即将复出的这件事情也发表了他的看法。
: : Bass:“我们非常期待他能够归队,我认为他对球队非常重要,他能让大家在球场上更
: : 自在,我们绝对需要他!”
: :