skymay (随遇而安)
2014-01-06 22:09:39消息来源:http://voice.hupu.com/nba/1594241.html
LOS ANGELES — Andre Miller, who was excused from all team activities for
four days, won't be part of the Nuggets for long after he returns.
The Nuggets are actively trying to trade Miller, according to a league
source. If accomplished, it would be the second time Denver traded him. He
was traded in 2006 in a package that brought Allen Iverson to the Nuggets.
It has been a dicey few days for Miller, who had harsh words for Nuggets
coach Brian Shaw during Wednesday's game against Philadelphia. Miller was
initially suspended, but then the suspension was rescinded, in part so Miller
would be able to continue getting paid during his time off.
Miller has spent all or parts of seven seasons in Denver, in two stints, this
latest one starting in 2011, when Portland traded him back to the Nuggets.
He has averaged 12.0 points and 6.7 assists in his career with the Nuggets.
金块队老将Andre Miller此前在比赛中对主教练大声吼叫,之后Miller被球队禁赛两场
据丹佛邮报记者 Christopher Dempsey撰文表示,有联盟消息人士表示,金块队目前正
如果Miller真的被金块队交易,这将是他职业生涯第二次被金块队交易,2006-07 赛季
的时候,Miller曾作为交易的一部分被换到了76人队,当时金块队换来了Allen Iverson。