[外絮] 场边吵,场边和

楼主: lollygagger (chivalry's alive)   2014-01-02 16:43:33
话说去年总冠 game 4...
The Spurs lost game four on Thursday to even up the NBA Finals. But a few
brief moments between Tim Duncan and Gregg Popovich allowed us to peak into
their relationship and see how they have remained on top for so long.
虽然马刺败北,但有几个画面倒是让眼尖的观众一瞥 Pop 跟 TD 长年来
The best way to describe it is that they look like a couple married for many
years going through the different stages of fighting and making up.
It started in the first half when Popovich screamed at Duncan heading into a
timeout. Maybe Duncan forgot to call and say he would be late to the huddle...
事情发生在上半场,Pop 又在场边上演爆跳如雷的老戏码,对象是石佛
VCR → http://0rz.tw/G3Zd7
Later, Duncan spent an entire timeout sleeping on the couch sitting at the
scorer's table...
稍后石佛也像动了气,居然不参加 Pop 对全队的面授机宜
独自一人远远坐在计分台上...→ http://0rz.tw/lHH6H
But then the two took a moment alone before the start of the second half and
tried to work things out. But one of them might still be upset...
只是 TD 好像还是不太开心... → http://0rz.tw/ZaC0P
Because later, Pop had to explain to Duncan that he wasn't mad. Most coaches
will never have this close of a relationship to a player, and most wouldn't
care if a player thought he was mad...
一直到 Pop 跟石佛说我没有生气(I am not mad),石佛才笑了一个开花
满天乌云烟消云散... → http://0rz.tw/Mh8Bt
来源: http://0rz.tw/5WXGv
作者: steven790303   2014-01-02 17:02:00
作者: Nyarlathotep (奈亚拉托提普)   2014-01-02 18:34:00

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