nypgand1 (祈附‧征前御祭)
2013-11-23 17:11:23ReckonBox图文网站版:http://reckonbox.herokuapp.com/2013/11/23/mj-coach-book-1/
Name: Mark Jackson
Birthdate: April 1, 1965
图:MJ 场边指挥
1. 他是带心派还是战术派?
Is he an emotional leader or a tactician?
Outwardly, he’s an emotional leader, and it’s how he sold himself upon
arrival. In last year’s playoffs, a camera captured Jackson telling his
team, “I love you.”
Jackson preaches, quite literally. The ordained pastor uses religion in the
locker room to connect with his players, and isn’t averse to thanking God
for his team’s success.
He also sells confidence. You could even call Jackson a swaggering braggart.
He’s positive where other coaches are negative, often talking up his team’s
abilities in the hope that messaging will elevate internal expectations.
在去年季后赛中,镜头就有带到 MJ 告诉他的球员说“我爱你们”。
MJ 他会布道,不夸张。
图:后方站立拿战术板之人为2012-13勇士助理教练 Mike Malone,
Jackson isn’t opposed to sly tactics, though. He likes to employ the
unexpected trick, like guarding an inbounds pass with Andrew Bogut while
zoning up the 3-point line, or calling a sideline buzzer-beater shot for
Andre Iguodala as the opposition focuses on Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson.
话虽如此, MJ 也不是站在战术用兵的对立面。
他喜欢运用意料之外的怪招,比如说让 Bogut 守到三分线外的边线发球,
或是在对手都注意浪花兄弟的时候,把球交给小AI 执行最后一击。
2. 他是紧张大师还是安西教练?
Is he intense or a go along-get along type?
Somewhere in between, as he’s transitioning from the latter to the former.
Though habitually sanguine in the appraisal of his team, something has soured
of late. He’s been quite frustrated and quite critical of his bench players
this season. They aren’t playing well and Jackson is tiring of their lack of
production. He’s calling them out publicly.
No matter how viciously Jackson skewers his team, it’ll stay rated-PG. He
insists that he hasn’t cursed in over a decade.
不管 MJ 多猛烈地刺激他的球员,内容都还会是保护级的
(按编: rated-PG 的 PG 是指 Parental Guidance Suggested 建议家长陪同)
图: MJ 耐心教导 HB
3. 他依赖系统还是看材料炒菜?
Does he rely on systems, or does he coach ad hoc to his personnel?
It’s been ad hoc and the results have rewarded that flexibility. Here’s one
example. The Jackson Warriors began with a defensive scheme that included big
men who hedged high on pick and rolls. Eventually, the coaching staff decided
that David Lee and Andrew Bogut were too slow for such a system. Golden State
has played competent defense ever since they adopted a new scheme, one that's
predicated on the big men slinking back towards the paint.
当初勇士对于 P&R 的防守策略是由大柱球员堵出去,
最后教练认为 Lee 和 Bogut 在这样的防守系统下移动显得太慢。
4. 他会让球星参与决策还是贯彻个人意志?
Does he share decision-making with star players, or is he The Decider?
He is more the Decider, in part because so many of his players are young.
This may change as his guys get veteran experience.
For instance, to hear Curry tell it, he'd prefer guarding the other team's
primary ball handler. Jackson overrides that preference and hides Curry on
the opposition's worst offensive perimeter player. Though a superstar,
Curry's opinion generally doesn't dictate what the team does. After years
spent as a "coach on the floor" kind of point guard, Jackson remains in
control of his team's in-game approach.
比如说,当 Curry 要求防守对方的主攻手,MJ 还是坚持保护 Curry,
虽然 Curry 是名巨星了,Curry 的意见大致上还是无法支配球队的运作。
毕竟 MJ 多年来都是“场上教练型”的控球后卫,还是习惯于控制比赛。
图: MJ 咬耳朵提点 Curry
5. 他喜欢得分爆发型的还是大锁型的球员?
Does he prefer the explosive scorer or the lockdown defender?
Here’s one way to answer that question: David Lee’s playing time has never
been in jeopardy.
这个问题有一个巧妙的回答方式: David Lee 的上场时间从来不需要担心。
6. 他倾向固定轮替还是看当场状况?
Does he prefer a set rotation, or is he more likely to use his
personnel situationally?
He’s preferred a set rotation, but such preferences are often undone by the
reality of running an injury prone team. Also, the recent Golden State bench
woes have forced Jackson to scramble for answers. It’s easier to embrace a
set rotation when you can rely on bench stalwarts like Carl Landry and
Jarrett Jack. Expect more mixing and matching from Jackson in 2013-14.
况且近来勇士的板凳悲剧迫使 MJ 得重新寻找答案。
当你的板凳坐着像 Carl Landry 和 Jarrett Jack 的时候当然可以信赖固定轮替,
本季我们只能期待 MJ 会玩更多人员上的混搭。
图: Jack 和 Landry 留下的板凳空缺是今年勇士需要克服问题
英文原文: http://tinyurl.com/kdy7czt