NBA Africa: Changing gears a little bit, I'm sure you heard about Michael
Jordan recently naming his all-time pickup basketball team, and how he listed
you as a guy he'd like play with. Who is your all-time pickup basketball
team, who are the guys that you'd want to play with?
问:我确定你听过最近 Jordan 排出了他认为的最佳阵容。
Hakeem Olajuwon: Wow. That's a tough question because I need to think about
that. There's a lot of great great players, hmmm. Michael Jordan, no
question. You gotta put LeBron James in there too, no question. Point guard,
John Stockton. Shaquille O'Neal, center. Power Forward? Oh man, hmmm, I would
pick Moses Malone.
Olajuwon 表示:
Jordan,无庸置疑,LeBron 你必须放进去这也没问题,
控卫的话就 John Stockton,中锋 Shaquille O'Neal,大前嘛我挑 Moses Malone。”