Re: HoopsWorld 的记者对乳摸的回应

楼主: bobyacool (逼欧逼耶酷)   2013-11-09 00:35:36
※ 引述《shintshint (菜瓜布)》之铭言:
: ※ [本文转录自 Jeremy_Lin 看板 #1IVF-uLO ]
: 作者: benjamin66 (存在本身已是一种伤害) 看板: Jeremy_Lin
: 标题: Re: [影音] 这个play 大家怎看
: 时间: Fri Nov 8 23:13:52 2013
: Yannis Koutroupis
: James Harden just lit into Jeremy Lin for his last shot. Beverly and McHale had to signal to him to calm down.
: 哈登对lin刚刚的投射发怒,需要PB和McFail叫他冷静。
: occupatio(译按:火箭迷)
: Yannis Koutroupis is a reporter with Based on the timestamp of the tweet, it must refer to the play in the 4th quarter (1:21 left on game clock) in which Parsons passed to Lin with only 3 seconds left on the shot clock so Lin had to force up a shot, which he missed.
: Yannis Koutroupis是HoopsWorld.com的记者。基于推特发出的时间,这应该是在说第四节那个进攻(大钟1:21时),当时Parsons只剩3秒时传球给lin因此林被逼出手,然后没进。
: Harden was probably not taking issue with Lin's shot (after all, he was forced to shoot it with only 3 seconds), but rather chewed Lin out for actually trying to run team offense (what a novel idea!), whereas Harden just wants to shoot every single possession himself. Goes 9 for 24 tonight, choking in crunch time ISO just like he did last season.
: 哈登应该不是在怪lin的射球(毕竟,他是被迫在只有3秒下出手),而是怪林试图运行团队进攻(真是一个新颖的想法!),哈登只是希望每波进攻都由他来射。命中率9/24的今晚,他继续在关键时刻ISO然后败球,就像他上赛季一样。
: Harden refused to pass to Jeremy, especially in the 4th quarter, even with Lin clapping his hands for the ball and wide open on many plays. More opportunities for Harden to show off his playmaking tonight with no-look turnovers.
: 哈登拒绝传球给lin,尤其是在第四节,即使很多次lin大空档拍手向他要球。更多的机会让哈登用“no-look失误”展现他的组织进攻能力。
: Lin only shot the ball once in the 4th (the play mentioned above) and a total of 8 shots (for 16 pts) in the entire game. No one showed up to play tonight except Lin, but he barely touched the ball, and is not allowed to run the offense as the PG.
: 林在整个第四节只投球一次(就是上面提过那球)整场投球8次(16分)。今晚除了lin没有火箭队员站出来,但他很少机会碰过球,更没机会组织进攻虽然他是控卫。
: Basically, Lin only gets to touch the ball when he rebounds it himself LOL. That's how it's been this season, and not because he's been playing poorly. After 6 games, Lin has an incredible TS% of .668 (.547 FG%, 0.438 3P%) and his PER is 19.02.
: 基本上,林只有在抓到篮板时才有机会碰到球哈哈哈。这就是这赛季的情况了,但这并不是因为林打的很烂。经过六场比赛,林的TS%是难以置信的 .668(.547 FG%, 0.438 3P%)而他的PER 是 19.02。
: The only players on the team who are interested in playing team basketball are Lin, Garcia, and Asik. Parsons, who said in the offseason that he is one of the Rockets 'Big Three,' is just looking to get his own, often trying to do too much, more than he is capable of.
: 队上只有Lin, Garcia, 和 Asik 想打团队篮球。Parsons,在休赛期自称是火箭队的“三王”之一,只是想要表现自己,想做太多自己力有不逮的事。
: Team is not a team. Rockets are a joke.
: 团队已经不是团队了,火箭是一个笑话。
: 基本上,林只有在抓到篮板时才有机会碰到球
: 这一句感觉好熟......
其实我觉得真正让哈汀变成这样子的元凶 应该是世界和平先生吧
他那一肘可能把哈汀的脑子灌坏了 他才会说出这种无脑的话
打团队篮球不重要? 去问热火 去问马刺 更甚者你去问狗鼻
我相信狗鼻也不会讲 自干才是唯一的真理 如果自干才是王道的话 他去年干嘛跟西瓜
我只能讲太早成名让他冲昏头了 他现在打球就是个老球皮 没去看官网介绍 你还以为
他跟老衲是同梯的 把输球怪罪在PG爱打团队进攻 然后一堆人瞎捧他是第一SG
他现在的能力根本连狗鼻和Wade的屁毛都比不上 数据刷得再漂亮 你没办法扛起一支球队
也没屌用 LBJ讲过要刷数据大家都会 他也拿过得分王 讲难听点今天LBJ要跟你拼得分王
你大概也只能在旁边吃土 但是拿得分王能干嘛? 球队无法夺冠有什么屁用?
最后还是团队才是唯一解 今天有人要跟你一起打团队篮球 你要有感恩的心
不是在那嘴"传个狗屁球 你们卡好人看我自干就好" 你有没有发现这句很眼熟?
至少这句前一个形容的人 还会知道要防守 他年轻时也曾经被迷迷捧过拥有阿鼻地狱
级的防守 结果这个新一代的第一SG只会在那等对方投完球换边 准备下一波自干
人家抱大腿 想得是要怎样夺冠 至少人家狗鼻刷数据 还不忘想办法赢球
结果你抱大腿 只想要刷数据 输都是别人的错 我今天刷35分 你敢嘴我?
今天会输 就是没让我自干 爱在那打团队篮球 你不要忘了你今天搭的是只有3成功力
的盗版欧肥 顶多只有罚球很像而已 这只大腿还没粗到可以让你忘我自干
讲难听点 热火三巨头的大腿够不够粗 你看他们敢不敢疯狂自干?
人家夺冠会说都是八爷 鸟人 哈斯兰的功劳 你只会讲队友爱传球害我们输球
讲话不经大脑 真该叫世界和平在灌哈汀一次 看哈汀会不会恢复正常
作者: greedypeople (普通人)   2013-11-09 03:28:00
作者: annafrederic (连锁反应)   2013-11-09 10:17:00

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