Jennings Hoping To Bring Lob City Element To Pistons
Via Vince Ellis/Detroit Free-Press
Brandon Jennings is excited for the passing opportunities that will be
presented to him with the frontcourt of Andre Drummond, Josh Smith and Greg
Brandon Jennings在几天前加盟活塞的记者会上,很高兴地表示他在新东家有更多传球
的机会,因为前场的队友不是有稳定实绩(同样新加盟的Josh Smith),就是后势被
球评看好(近年选秀的Andre Drummond与Greg Monroe)。
“They’re going to make my job a lot easier, and of course I’m going to
make their job a lot easier,” Jennings said on Tuesday. “I guess you could
say we can bring Lob City to Detroit this year.”
Jennings shot just 40 percent last season with the Milwaukee Bucks.
“I definitely have to change my game for this team,” Jennings said. “We
have a bunch of great players.
“The things I was doing in Milwaukee, I won’t have to do here – take all
those bad shots – because we have so many pieces.”