Re: [外絮] McHale盛赞塞尔蒂克新秀 Olynyk:喜欢他

楼主: redplum (LIVESTRONG)   2013-07-14 08:24:07
很多球员都在summer league统治比赛却在正规赛消失
但Kelly Olynyk绝对不是大家眼中单纯的大后锋而已
※ 引述《linyi520 (☆雪の祈舞★)》之铭言:
: Kevin McHale big fan of Kelly Olynyk's game
: 2013年7月13日 20:51 波士顿先驱报 (原文:
:   火箭总教练 Kevin McHale在谈到塞尔蒂克新秀 Kelly Olynyk时表示,自己真的非常
: 喜欢 Olynyk。
: "I like him," said the Celts legend and current Rockets coach.
: "I like him a lot."
:   “我喜欢他,” Kevin McHale说道,“我很喜欢他。”
: "I tell you what, he does some interesting stuff. I was telling our guys that
: it's been a long time since I've seen a guy get an offensive rebound and just
: quick lay it over the rim like he did out there. No one else reacted.
: You play by yourself when you do that, because people aren't reacting like
: you are.
: "He's learned how to play step-throughs, pump fakes and stuff.
: I mean, he does a lot of interesting stuff.
: And for a young kid, he's got good vision.
: "He's just a very nice, nice player. He does a lot of old-school stuff."
:   “我可以告诉你的是,他在做一些有趣的事。我早就告诉过我们的球员,
:    我已经好久没看到一个家伙能够抢到进攻篮板后马上把球放进篮框,
:    就像他做的那样。其他人都没有反应过来,当你那样打的时候,
:    你就是靠自己在打,因为人们不会反应过来。
:    他学会了如何做试探步,做假动作等等事情。
:    我的意思是,他会做一些有趣的事情。作为一个年轻人,他有很好的比赛视野。
:    他是一个非常,非常好的球员。他会做很多老派的事情。”
:   此前赢下魔术队的夏季联赛中, Olynyk上场15分钟就得到了12分,同时抢到了全场
: 比赛最高的7个篮板。
: "Watching him at Gonzaga, I always liked him. But I always though, geez,
: is he athletic enough?" McHale said. "You always had questions.
:   “看着他在Gonzaga大学的比赛,我一直很喜欢他,但是我也一直有疑虑,
:    他的运动能力足够了吗?” McHale说道,“你总是会有疑问。”
: "But watching him here, his ability with more spacing on the floor and how
: the NBA game is played is magnified. His intelligence actually shows more
: here than it did in college.
: "The NBA game is spaced better, and he's going to be able to play his game
: better in that kind of situation. I just like him."
:   “但是看过他在这里的比赛,他在场上不断拉开空间的能力,他的比赛也被放大了。
:    他在这里更加展露了他的篮球智商。NBA比赛会有更好的空间,
:    这也有助于他更好地打出他的比赛。我真的很喜欢他。” McHale说道。
: "His ability to do things very, very quickly and create space for himself,"
: said McHale, "is really, really impressive."
:   “他有能力很快,很快地做一些事情,而且可以为他自己创造空间,”
:    McHale最后补充道,“这真的,真的让人印象深刻。”
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