内容:Dwight departed Los Angeles last week, but that hasn’t stopped the Lakers from making some crucial team decisions. The problem is that the Lakers are very limited financially what they can offer to fill in the roster for next season.
Rumors started this weekend that the Lakers have reached out to Lamar Odom. The star had played seven seasons with the Lakers and was also Sixth Man of the Year in 2011. He won two championships with the team in 2009 and 2010. Even though he averaged 13.8 points and 9.5 rebounds per game with the Lakers, his season with the Clippers wasn’t as promising as he only averaged 4.0 points and 5.9 rebounds per game. The Lakers could offer him the veteran minimum.
The team did not cut Pau Gasol after Howard went elsewhere, which has been a relief to many fans, but a gap was still left in the big man position until today. The Lakers have agreed to a one-year deal with Chris Kaman, who will most likely be a solid back-up for Gasol who has knee issues. Plus, the fact that it’s a one-year deal will keep the Lakers books clear when next season rolls around and they’re looking to make big free agency moves.
Unfortunately, the Los Angeles Lakers have decided to use the amnesty clause on veteran small forward Metta World Peace and save themselves $30 million dollars. World Peace chose to exercise his player option on the final year of his deal with the team. World Peace will hit the waiver wire and will become available to teams with cap space before being available to the highest bidder as an unrestricted free agent.
1.Chris Kaman跟湖人签了一年的合约
2.传闻本周湖人将以老将底薪跟Lamar Odom签约
3.湖人队决定使用特赦条款特赦World Peace,在成为自由球员之前会被还未超过薪资
短评或心得:扣除掉他本人不想去的活塞&火箭外 目前可以竞标World Peace的有
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