Holed away in Colorado, the Lakers are still prominent in Dwight Howard's
mind, sources tell Y! Rockets remain strong, Warriors lurking.
湖人在DH心中还是有份量 火箭也还是处于优势 勇士默默潜水中
Warriors have offered Andris Biedrins to the Cavaliers.
勇士向骑士offer Andris Biedrins
Warriors are in talks w/ the Jazz about a trade that sends Andrew Bogut to
Utah, which helps clear the way for Golden State to sign Dwight.
勇士和爵士正在谈一笔交易 其中包含把Andrew Bogut送去爵士
I can almost guarantee Dwight doesn't announce his decision today, it's
Dwight we're talking about after all....