"I would say in the language of diplomacy that the teams are aware
that the collective bargaining agreement doesn't authorize trades
involving coaches contracts," NBA commissioner David Stern said on
the "Stephen A. Smith Show" on ESPN Radio on Thursday. "The only
consideration that can be done here in players transactions are
other players, draft picks and a very limited amount of cash. But,
coaches contracts don't qualify as extra consideration or acceptable
consideration in player transactions. The teams know that ... it has
been confirmed to them. What we wouldn't prohibit ... what the rules
wouldn't prohibit ... Let me start again ... what the rules won't
allow ... it can't be gotten around by breaking it up into two
CBA不允许交易涉及教练合约, 球员交易只能牵涉球员、选秀权及有限的现金,
老赛跟快艇这次交易教练搞得太风火了, 想装做不知道都不行....