skymay (随遇而安)
2013-06-20 17:50:08Said Duncan, “Obviously I want to be in there every minute of the game. That
’s just how we’re built. But we’ve done it all year long. We’ve been
successful with it. And if it comes down to it, Pop will make the call again.
Danny Green took responsibility for the second rebound, upon which he could
have left Allen in the corner to cut Bosh off at the rim.
“It had nothing to do with Pop,” he said. “The players are out there and
we have to execute. We have to get a rebound, and I was a big part of the
reason we didn’t get it.”
“这和Pop(波波)无关,”Danny Green说道,“球员们走上场后就必须做好执行。我
们必须抢到一个篮板,我是我们不能抢到一个篮板的重要原因。 ”
“You have to make the foul at the right moment,” Boris Diaw said. “If
somebody’s taking a 3, that’s three free throws and then you feel stupid,”
And you can rely on your defense. We trust our defense and the way we play.
Both times they missed the original shot and it was the rebound that killed
“你必须在合适的时间点选择犯规,”Boris Diaw说道,“如果有人在投一个三分,
“There are many ways to do different things on the court. But so far, Pop’s
decisions and Pop’s philosophy of the game got us this far. We’re in Game 7
of the Finals so we always trust what he’s been doing and sticking to the
game plan and what he’s been telling us the whole season. We always believe
in him.”
“球场上会有很多方式做很多事,但是截至目前, Pop的决策力和他对比赛的理念让
Pop on if #Spurs will call different plays for Danny Green in Game 7: "No, we
don't call any plays for Danny Green. Never have." #Spurs
当被问到马刺队是否会在明天的比赛中为Danny Green设计不一样的战术时,马刺队
“不,我们没有为Danny Green设计任何的战术。从来没有。”波波说道。