skymay (随遇而安)
2013-06-14 12:25:44Pop defends, praises De La Cruz
Posted on June 13, 2013 at 7:03 pm by Dan McCarney
Spurs coach Gregg Popovich offered words of encouragement for Sebastien De La
Cruz, the young San Antonian who drew a flurry of racist comments on Twitter
after singing the national anthem Tuesday at Game 3 of the NBA Finals.
总决赛第三场比赛前,一位名叫Sebastien De La Cruz墨西哥裔美国人的小男孩为
比赛唱了国歌。事后,De La Cruz在自己的推特上收到了很多种族歧视的评论。
“I would like to say I would be shocked or surprised by the comments,”
Popovich said about an hour before tipoff of Thursday’s Game 4 at the AT&T
Center. “But given the fact that there’s still a significant element of
bigotry and racism in our nation, I’m not surprised.
“It still plagues us, obviously. And what I was surprised by was how proud
these idiots were of their ignorance by printing their names next to their
“(De La Cruz) is a class act. Way more mature than most his age. And as much
as those comments by the idiots saddens you about your country, he makes you
feel that the future could be very bright.”
“De La Cruz他的表现超越了他的年龄。并不需要在意那些白痴的评论怎么说你的国
A sampling of the comments can be found at the tumblr site Public Shaming.
(Warning – language.)
De La Cruz, 11, was a last-minute replacement for Darius Rucker, who
experienced travel problems and missed his scheduled singing of the national
The boy appeared on television’s “America’s Got Talent” last year, and in
April performed with the San Antonio Symphony at its traditional Fiesta Pops
由于另外一名歌手因为塞车没能赶上比赛前的唱歌仪式,11岁的De La Cruz才能在那