[情报] Cuban赞助假摔研究

楼主: abc12812   2013-06-08 09:12:27
While NBA commissioner David Stern says the league needs to expand its
anti-flopping rules, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban is funding a study on
the practice.
当干爹想扩充反假摔规则时 小牛老板Cuban则出资赞助实务上的研究
One of Cuban's companies has provided $100,000 to Southern Methodist
University for an 18-month investigation of the forces involved in basketball
collisions. The goal is to figure out whether video or other motion-capture
techniques can distinguish between legitimate collisions and instances of
Cuban提供100,000镁来进行18个月的篮球碰撞研究 目的是找出能否从影片区分
"The research findings could conceivably contribute to video reviews of
flopping and the subsequent assignment of fines," SMU biomechanics expert
Peter G. Weyand, who leads the research team, said in a statement.
研究小组老大Peter G. Weyand: 研究可以提供影片回顾来找出假摔和接下来的惩处
Cuban tweeted: "Is it a flop? Let the scientists figure it out . im paying
for the research to find out."
Cuban: 让科学家来找出假摔吧 帐单我来付
作者: windgodvocx1 (′‧ω‧‵)   2013-06-08 10:32:00
LBJ:没读过大学,看不懂paper Q_Q

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