[外絮] 世界和平:禅师的话有点多,但是我喜欢

楼主: skymay (随遇而安)   2013-06-05 18:07:50
Phil Jackson的新书《十一枚戒指》已经发售,书中,禅师披露了大量往事细节为了
Metta World Peace最近也发新书了,这是一本儿童读物。在接受 《洛杉矶每日新闻
报》采访的时候,Metta World Peace表示,他会一页一页认真地读禅师的新书。
在新书中,禅师提到了他从2009-11年执教Metta World Peace的心路历程,比如赞美
“I like his thought process,” World Peace said Tuesday in an interview with
this newspaper. “If Phil criticizes me and I didn’t like it, but it was
intelligent, I respect it and support it. With Phil Jackson, I think his book
is cool. He was direct. He gave people a real book. Some people will argue he
talks too much. ”
对此,Metta World Peace说: “我喜欢他的思维过程,如果Phil批评我,虽然我不
喜欢,但如果他的话是对的,我就会尊重他的批评,并且用行动支持他。因为 Phil
Does Wold Peace believe that too?
“I would argue that,” he said. “But I love the book because he’s so
honest. It’s a fun book. Everybody loves Phil.”
“My major concern about Ron was whether he could learn the triangle offense
fast enough,” Jackson wrote. “Like Dennis Rodman, Ron had a hard time
staying focused. Dennis’ solution was to work out in the gym day and night
to burn off restless energy. But Ron had trouble sticking to a workout
regimen, so he practiced jump shots instead. The only problem was that every
day he would shoot with a different style. And that affected the way he
performed in games. Sometimes he was blessed and everything dropped in. Other
times there was no way of telling what was going to happen.”
禅师曾经谈起过对于Wold Peace的看法:“我最担心他的地方跟Rodman一样,我不确
Jackson then approached World Peace about sticking to one style.
然后,禅师去找World Peace,问他能否坚持一种投篮风格。
“Why are you always picking on me?” asked World Peace after Jackson gave
him some early advice on his shooting style.
结果,World Peace却这样说:“为什么你要针对我呢?”
“After that incident, I realized that the best way to communicate with Ron
was to couch everything in a positive way — not just with the words I used,
but with my gestures and facial expressions as well,” writes Jackson. “
Eventually, he found out the system and, with the help of Kobe [Bryant] and
others, began integrating himself into the team’s DNA.”
极的方式去传达意思,你不能只是说话,你得运用手势和面部表情。 最后,他找准了
“The thing with Phil is he challenged me. I never got challenged that like
that before,” said World Peace, who played with the Chicago Bulls
(1999-2002), Indiana Pacers (2001-06), Sacramento Kings (2005-08) and Houston
Rockets (2008-09) before joining the Lakers. “It took me a whole season to
meet the challenge. He challenged me to be a good teammate and challenged me
to be to win a championship. He challenged me in ways I never had been
challenged before mentally. It was tough. I overcame it and then we won the
championship. That’s why I love Phil. He challenged me to sacrifice and to
defer. That was something I was never used to doing. It was a challenge that
benefitted the team. He challenged my ego. He challenged it and it was for
the best of the team. I love Phil.”
World Peace则对禅师的手段佩服不已:“跟Phil在一起,他会挑战我,以前我从未受
到那样的挑战,我花了一整个赛季的时间才习惯。 他总是挑战我,让我成为一名好队
友,然后去拿下总冠军。 他总是用一种我从未经历过的方式发出挑战,这很难,但是
我克服了这些挑战,我们赢下了总冠军。这就是我为什么爱 Phil,他挑战我去牺牲去
作者: CarlosArroyo (哪里可看分居风暴)   2013-06-05 18:34:00
他很幽默呀 阿泰

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