※ 引述《KKB (制约与誓言)》之铭言:
: 时间拉回倒数最后一分钟,L.James刚投进3分,手感来了
: 而下一波热火进攻时,却突然判 L.James 第六犯出场
: 我真的非常非常讶异,抢东区冠军战,比赛胶着
: 又是天王巨星手感正来要追分,被这种看n次都不知道犯啥规的吹判决定比赛
: (根据下面版友指出是掩护脚步动作太大犯规了,不过是个讨论罢了,底下真激烈)
NBA Official Rule Book Page#45
Personal Foul
Section III—By Screening
A player who sets a screen shall not
(1) assume a position nearer than a normal stepfrom an opponent, if
that opponent is stationary and unaware of the screener's position, or
(2) make illegal contact with an opponent when he assumes a position
at the side or front of an opponent, or
(3) assume a position so near to a moving opponent that he is not given
an opportunity to stop and/or change direction before making illegal
contact, or
(4) move laterally or toward an opponent being screened, after having
assumed a legal position. The screener may move in the same direction
and path of the opponent being screened.
LBJ这个动作, (2)是一定跑不掉, (1)、(3)、(4)也都有吹判空间
: 裁判真的搞烂一场比赛的张力,说好的由球员决定最后时刻呢?
: 附上影片,可自行下载看重播:
: https://mega.co.nz/#!yUdFQCQL!Ho891zlRDUOp8haGag9lNjK_hGloMx72jj5QzwwhhXk
: 线上版:
: 推 DoraShort :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUpv5SOKgG8