obscure (我的意中人是个盖世英雄)
2013-05-25 07:37:20Grizzlies Tony Allen fined $5,000 for flopping in Game 2
The NBA fined Tony Allen of the Memphis Grizzlies $5,000 for his flop i
n Game 2 in the Western Conference Finals against the San Antonio Spurs.
NBA官方宣布 因为在灰熊vs马刺的第二战中假摔 灰熊Tony Allen被处以5000美元罚款
Allen was going up for a lay up late in the fourth quarter,
when Spurs guard Manu Ginobili grabbed his arm and pulled him to the floor.
Allen broke his fall, but he held his head with both hands for
at least a minute.
Allen在第四节上篮时 被Manu拉倒在地 倒地后Allen抱着他的头至少一分钟
The referees called a Flagrant 1 foul and awarded Allen two free throws,
which he made and the Grizzlies got the ball back.
Memphis guard Mike Conley then tied the game on the next possession.
裁判对Manu吹了一个恶意犯规 让Allen有两罚的机会 而且罚完球后球权属于灰熊
之后Mike Conley追平比分
The game eventually went to overtime,
which the Spurs won 93-89 to take a 2-0 series lead.
Question now is, will the NBA rescind the flagrant foul
the refs assessed to Ginobili?
最终比赛进入延长 而马刺以93-89取得系列赛的2-0领先
现在的问题是 NBA是否会取消对Manu恶意犯规的吹判呢?