ONISUKA (我不是鬼冢英吉)
2013-05-20 11:30:32又一个被记者误导的例子....
这个作者引用 Fox Sports Florida 记者 Chris Tomasson 的资料
Chris Tomasson 将当天LBJ与记者之间的谈话做了记录:
Frank Vogel said after last night's game, "They're the next team that's in
our way and that's how we're approaching it.''
Reporter to LeBron: “Vogel kept saying last night that you guys are just
another team.’’
记者跟LBJ说:"Vogel昨晚说你们只是'another team'。"
another team其实翻成普通队伍不是很精确,但大致上意思没错。
举例来说: 桌上有一堆苹果,我吃了一颗,因为我很饿,
所以我可以再吃 another(另一颗) 苹果。
这里的 another 指的是,因为剩下的苹果都是很类似的东西,所以随便选一颗都可。
所以 another team 就代表着,记者说" Vogel 说你们(热火)只是另一只队伍。"
但很明显地,下一只队伍(next team)跟普通队伍(another team)是两回事。
LeBron: “We’re not just another team. I don’t understand what he’s
saying. But we’re not just another team. It’s not true.’’
Another reporter asks what he said.
LeBron: “He said we’re just another team in their way. We’re not just
another team. We’re a great team. We’re very confident. We’ll be ready for
them. But if we’re just another team, you really don’t prepare for just
another team. We’re not just another team. You got to be prepared for us.’’
结论: 记者表示: 又上钩了,成功炒到话题。