KenRock (#17)
2013-05-08 22:30:09消息来源:Source: Shaw, Brown, Skiles on Nets List
内容:The Nets, who fired Avery Johnson in late December and decided not to
re-sign interim P.J. Carlesimo after their first-round playoff loss to Chicago,
are expected to turn their attention to the coaching candidates not named
Jackson now.
According to two people with knowledge of the search, that list includes
Indiana Pacers assistant Brian Shaw, longtime NBA coach and current Southern
Methodist University coach Larry Brown, and former Milwaukee and
Chicago coach Scott Skiles.
via Sam Amick of USA TODAY Sports
大意:篮网队在去年12月开除前教练Avery Johnson,而在季后赛第一轮被公牛淘汰后,
也不打算重签代理教练P.J. Carlesimo。
紧接着被Phil Jackson拒绝后,还有其他的总教练人选。
根据消息指出,新的教练人选名单包含:溜马队的助理教练Brian Shaw,
前山猫教练Larry Brown,
前公鹿与公牛教练Scott Skiles。
短评或心得:喔~?! 感觉Brian Shaw不错,但是压不住众明星。
Larry Brown前山猫队教练,率队最高胜率曾达0.537。
Scott Skiles曾带领太阳队连续两年胜率超过0.620!?