abysszzz (爱困~~~)
2013-05-03 08:09:20※ 引述《imgkiller (无血之大戮)》之铭言:
: 纽约时报原文
: http://www.nypost.com/p/sports/knicks/lin_wants_to_return_from_injury
: “They’ve taken away my freedom to choose whether I play or not,” Lin told
: the Houston Chronicle.
: “If it was up to me, I would have played Game 4 and Game 5.”
这 Jonathan Feigen 也蛮婊的,这次好像不能怪纽约媒体
明明一开始是 http://goo.gl/Zrb4W
..... He will try another pregame workout in the hopes the muscle will
feel well enough that he can convince Rockets trainers Keith Jones and
Jason Biles that he can play effectively.
“They’ve taken away my freedom to choose whether I play or not,”
Lin said.“A lot of it will be up to the trainers. If it was me
I was would have played Game 4 and Game 5. .....
结果过了7小时变成 http://goo.gl/g5BvF
“They’ve taken away my freedom to choose whether I play or not,”
Lin said. “If it was up to me, I would have played Game 4 and Game 5.”
这样一写这个 they 就变成好像是教练跟管理阶层似的