KenRock (#17)
2013-05-02 16:07:33消息来源:http://www.hoopsworld.com/daily-nba-news/
内容:As the Milwaukee Bucks start the process of hiring a new head coach,
Stan Van Gundy has emerged as the franchise’s top target,
league sources told Yahoo! Sports.
Houston Rockets assistant coach Kelvin Sampson also is near
the top of the franchise’s list, sources said, after the Bucks
parted ways with interim coach Jim Boylan on Thursday.
via Adrian Wojnarowski of YAHOO! Sports
大意: 至从公鹿队开除前教练 Jim Boylan以后,有联盟消息来源向YAHOO透露,
公鹿队有意将Stan Van Gundy列为聘请新教练的优先人选。
而火箭队的助理教练Kelvin Sampson则也是排在他之后的优先人选之一。