Mydick ( 醉拳甘Mydick)
2013-04-17 17:22:11Just watched the highlight of GSW-SAS.
Stephen Curry, who had a great chance to track down Ray Allen before the
game, eventually made 7 out of 13_ the 6th tied Dennis Scott's record,
and the 7th passed it_as the game result.
Officially, with his recent efficiency, Curry is aiming at the new single
season 3pt champion, while in the mean time leading his team to be the
most-3pt-made one ever in the history.
前几天金块的 Manimal 严重扭伤脚踝, 看看这季各队长长一串伤兵名单,
可能反映的事实是比赛速度和球员体能负荷过重的问题, 却在在总板乏人问津。
前天 Curry正式挑战了记录, 只看到一篇米国国家队未来控卫讨论文 算是提到他。
每天都在战Kobe, 联盟季后赛票房阴谋论等主题中,
我也骂Kobe, 但真不以为现在的总板只要会骂人, 够恶毒, 就足够把个人意见铺满版面。
ptt该是乡民对抗媒体八卦劣质化现象的最后一条防线, 而非同流合污。
以上, 一个10年以上总板老狗的个人拙见。