jagr (凉兄)
2013-04-13 15:28:38※ 引述《LoveDog29 (爱狗)》之铭言:
: KOBE是NBA现役最强的球员 没有之一
: 大家平常都会酸3冠靠欧肥 2冠靠嘎兽
: 没有独当一面拿过冠军
: 但是5冠81分不解释
: 在这场比赛中受伤了 之后能不能再上场
: 都是个问题
: 怎么还有人会在这个时后酸kobe啊...
: 难道都没有同理心吗??
Mo Williams @mowilliams
Much respect for @kobebryant. Never want to see that happen to nobody
especially in a race we have
Jamal Crawford @Crossover
Prayers up for @kobebryant , one of the best we've ever seen... #respect
Chris Paul @CP3
Prayers out to my man @kobebryant. Hoping for a speedy recovery and there is
absolutely no doubt he'll be back strong!
DeAndre Jordan @deandrejordan
Damn man, never want to see that happen...ever. But @kobebryant is a strong
dude, wishing you a speedy and healthy recovery brother!
DeMar DeRozan @DeMar_DeRozan
Damn I'll hate to see Kobe go out like that!
Tony Allen @aa000G9
Get Well BIG Homie!!! @kobebryant
Andre Iguodala @andre
Prayers up for my bro @kobebryant get well soon fam
Trevor Ariza @TrevorAriza
Praying for u big bro @kobebryant
Matt Barnes @Matt_Barnes22
Thoughts & prayers go out to the big homey #Kobe.. Shame they ran him into
the ground.. #Damn
Bryon Russell @BRuss3
KB tore Achilles cuss D'AntoniD'Antoni wouldn't rest him!!! A good coach Phil
or Sloan would've rested him!!! 17yr vet playin to many mins