※ 引述《skymay (随遇而安)》之铭言:
: The complete list follows the trend of, according to Forbes, “scorers that
: don’t do other things well and that don’t shoot a solid percentage from the
: field tend to be overvalued.”
: 1. Carmelo Anthony (New York Knicks) – $19.4 million
Salary PER PTS FG% 球队战绩
Carmelo 19.4 M 23.6 28.1 .444 48W 26L
Kobe 27.8 M 22.9 27.0 .464 39W 36L
Kobe 有两届 MVP 控卫 Nash,联盟第一中锋 Howard,欧陆第一长人 Gasol,
拿过最佳防守球员的防守悍将 Metta World Peace,结果只把湖人带到季后赛边缘而已,
而且舆论焦点都不会责备 Kobe,Kobe 这份工作的 C/P 值真是太高囉!