poswem (Big Boy)
2013-04-03 15:48:44来试试看翻整段好了, 因为单看其中一段很容易误解Harden 原意, 大家顺便来讨论看看
James Harden doesn't feel any readjustment to the team's flow is needed when
he gets back to a lineup that's been rolling without him the last two games.
恐怖胡人觉得当他回到队上的时候, 球队调度没有必要去做重新调动, 而前两场比赛
Harden is fifth in the league in scoring. He averages 26 points, 5.8 assists
, and 4.7 rebounds.
胡人目前在NBA得分榜排名第五, 他平均每场可得26分, 5.8次助攻,以及 4.7的篮板
Yet, without him, the Rockets defeated the Clippers 98-81 on Saturday and
then beat the Magic 111-103 on Monday. After two losses previously where the
team's pace was slowed against the Pacers and Grizzlies, the pace was
restored against the Clippers and Magic to the Rockets' transition game with
plenty of ball movement and spacing.
魔术队. 而在这近期两连胜前的两场比赛, 火箭队对上溜马队以及灰熊队时的比赛节奏
显得比较慢; 而在没胡人的过渡期, 对上快艇队以及魔术队时又恢复到大量转移球和拉
As Harden gets closer to coming back, he doesn't think there will be any
readjusting needed to make a seamless transition to what seems like a machine
currently operating at a clockwork rate.
随着胡人即将归队, 他不认为对于目前运作顺畅的球队需要做任何重新调整来迎合他
的回归, 如同一个机器如果运作的很正常就不须要去更动它
"I'm the leader of this team," Harden said. "I've got to go out there and do
what I do. I'm not just going out there and taking 45 shots a game. I do a
good job of passing and making my teammates better. I don't need any
adjustment. I just need to go out there and play my game."
胡人说: 我是球队老大, 我必须上场做我该做的事, 我不会上场后只想要一直出手
(1场比赛45投的涵义). 我擅长助功使我的队友们更好. 我不需要任何调整, 我只需要
It's a game that Kevin McHale says has been hindered by that nagging sore
right foot Harden suffered February 13 against Golden State.
冰箱谈到在2月13日对上勇士队的比赛, 哈登饱受伤痛的右脚一直阻碍他的表现
"I just told James that James has got to play off the catch," McHale said.
"He's got to play fast. He's got to get back to being aggressive. Busting
seams. He got to a point where that foot was bothering him a little bit
and he was holding the ball and letting the defense dictate to him. He's
got to dictate to the defense."
冰箱说:我只跟胡人说他不要停球太久, 打得更快点. 他得回来表现得更积极点. 去撕
裂对方的防线. 之前因为他有点脚伤的关系, 使得当他拿到球的时候对方就会针对他去
防守而守住胡人. 但我觉得他得去掌控对方的防守去应变进攻.
Harden went through all of practice on Tuesday. He wants to come back and
play. He just wants to make sure it's in a way that will help, not hurt,
his team.
胡人在这周二随队全程练习了. 他想要回到场上比赛. 他只想要确定有办法帮助他的
球队获胜, 而不是伤害
"I know what's best for me and how I can help my teammates out," Harden said.
"And if I can't help them out at any point of the game, I shouldn't be out
there. They've done a great job of responding and playing well. Two great
胡人说: 我知道怎么做对我自己最好也知道如何帮助我的队友, 假如我没办法使他们在
场上任何时间点有好表现,我就不应该出现在场上, 他们在很棒的两连胜的比赛已经也打
结论: 我个人看法是觉得, 胡人谈到不需要调整的意思是, 球队目前的打法不需要调整
不是指哈登本身不需要调整, 哈登的意思应该是在不影响目前球队的打法下, 他