stonko (转瞬为风)
2015-04-28 12:21:30原址:http://goo.gl/DPK0Gt
new 3DS免使用萨尔达传说 时之笛 3D或方块忍者
new 3DS尚未支持虚拟系统9.7,需等下次的更新
So let’s see what’s new:
– Latest EMUNAND support for old 3DS (currently version 9.7)
– New 3DS 8.1 JAPAN region now fully supported (multirom menu and so on)
– System Settings 4.5 support for New 3DS!
– Built-in NVRAM installer in the Gateway menu (behaves same as the Blue
Card Gateway installer)
From now on, New 3DS users can rejoice that they no longer need to constantly
use Cubic Ninja or Zelda Ocarina of Time to boot up into Gateway mode!
With this firmware update, you will be able to boot into Gateway mode using
just System Settings, just like on old 3DS! No more extra accessories
required once you have done the setup!
Just follow these simple steps:
1) Copy the Gateway 3DS 3.2.0 ULTRA Launcher.dat to your New 3DS microSD card
2) Copy mset_<region>.cia to your New 3DS microSD card (where <region> is
your console region)
3) Copy “DevMenu.3ds” to your Gateway 3DS microSD card.
4) Boot into the Gateway menu with your preferred entrypoint (Zelda or Cubic
5) Select the new “NVRAM INSTALL” option from the menu, proceed with
6) Once installed, boot into Gateway mode and launch DevMenu.3ds from the
multirom menu (press SELECT)
7) Start DevMenu and import mset_<region>.cia from your SD card.
8) Reboot console and verify you can now boot into Gateway mode with the
classic System Settings DS Profile method. (Settings -> Profile -> Nintendo
DS profile)
9) Enjoy! No more cartridge swapping required to use Gateway 3DS on New 3DS!
Please make sure to install the *CORRECT* mset cia for your region, we do not
recommend this for new users with little experience !!
Please be aware that this downgrades the System Settings application on your
SYSNAND, so be wise and
backup your SYSNAND (and setup EMUNAND) using the Gateway menu before you do
Note you can always manually install a newer CIA version back of System
Settings, but using our Sysnand Restore option is the recommended option.
New 3DS users might also wonder why there is no EMUNAND update yet, and the
answer is simply that while we are still making steady progress on this
front, there is still alot of work to be done until we get to this point. So
we hope our New 3DS users will understand that we cannot give an exact end
date for this yet.
Rest assured we will be able to overcome this obstacle!