[新闻] 《财星》评百大现代设计!苹果 2 大产品

楼主: kouta (Kk)   2020-03-19 05:49:06
《财星》评百大现代设计!苹果 2 大产品连 Google 搜寻也甘拜下风
文/记者黄肇祥/ 2020-03-17 14:39
《财星杂志》发表现代最伟大百大设计排名!透过访问、调查 100 名顶尖设计师,统整出一份榜单,选出最能反映当代社会的产物,不限于硬件、艺术领域,许多科技应用也纷纷入选,例如 Google 搜寻、Spotify、Netflix 都有入榜!
苹果 2007 年推出的 iPhone 夺得第一名,被认为最能代表现在的时空背景,《财星杂志》评语写道,从最初分析师怀疑能否打入市场,苹果借由不断推升硬件、软件极限,成功建立 App 服务的完整生态,更卖出超过 20 亿台,扭转被看衰的局势。
至于第二名同样由苹果拿下,为 1984 年推出的麦金塔电脑,瑞典于默奥大学教授 Johan Redstrom 提到,麦金塔之所以经典在于,它是一款完整的产品,成功融入电脑、图形接口等等元素,改变了人们与电脑的互动方式。
于百大名单中,苹果一共入选 9 款产品,除了上述提到 iPhone 与麦金塔电脑外,还有 iPod(10)、MacBook Pro(14)、App Store(22)、iOS(29)、Apple Watch(46)、Apple Pay(64)。
其他常见的科技产品包含 Google 搜寻(3)、Sony Walkman(5)、Uber(7)、Netflix(8)、Google Maps(11)、宝丽来SX-70(17)、Nokia 3210(19)、Spotify(23)、无印良品电锅(25)...完整名单可参考《财星杂志》。
The 100 greatest designs of modern times
《财星》杂志与设计学院合作,对教育工作者、有影响力的人士、自由设计师和企业设计团队进行了调查,选出了这 100 种现代伟大的设计。
1. iPhone
Designed by Apple, 2007
“An iPod, a phone, an Internet communicator” was how the late Steve Jobs announced the iPhone to the world in 2007. At the time it was an impressive claim. Now it seems like a massive understatement for a device that changed how we live. Analysts were initially skeptical that Apple could succeed selling a premium phone for $499 in a market in which most devices were subsidized or given away by carriers. But by relentlessly pushing the envelope of hardware and software design, adding a
professional-grade camera, and creating an ecosystem of apps and services, Apple has sold more than 2 billion iPhones—and in the process has become the most valuable company in the world.
已故的史蒂芬·贾伯斯 (Steve Jobs) 在 2007 年向全世界发布了“ iPhone”,这就是“一部 iPod、一部电话、一部网络通讯器”。现在,对于改变我们生活方式的设备而言,这似乎是一种轻描淡写的说法。分析师最初怀疑 Apple 能否在大多数设备由电信商提供补贴或赠予的市场中以 499 美元的价格成功出售高端手机。但是,透过不懈地推动硬件和软件设计的极限,加入专业级相机以及建立应用程式和服务生态系统,Apple 公司已经售出了超过 20 亿部 iPhone,在此过程中,它已成为该领域最有价值的公司。
2. Macintosh
Designed by Apple, 1984
3. Google Search Engine
Designed by Google, 1997
A minimalist gateway to a universe of information.
“Just type in where you want to go or what you want to know in one simple box.“ —David Kelley, founder, IDEO
5. Sony Walkman TPS-L2
Designed by Norio Ohga, 1979
7. Uber Rideshare
Designed by Uber, 2009
8. Netflix Streaming
Designed by Netflix, 1997
10. iPod
Designed by Apple (Jonathan Ive), 2001
The heir to the Walkman’s throne. Put all your music in your pocket.
“It revolutionized a category with a closed system, and propelled the music industry forward.” —José Manuel dos Santos, head of design & user experience, Signify
11. Google Maps
Designed by Where 2 Technologies, 2005
Maps transformed our relationship with our environment. Nowhere is unknown.
“Google Maps looks at how people think about navigation—planning, time management, anticipating micro-steps, discovering what’s nearby or on the way, and destination info—and then layered on crowd sourced data to make real-time adjustments to results, integrated with its other products (search, advertising, etc.).” —Russell Flench, service designer, Cleveland Clinic
14. MacBook Pro
Designed by Apple (Jonathan Ive), 2006
19. Nokia 3210
Designed by Alastair Curtis, 1999
21. Philips Hue Lighting System
Designed by Philips (Signify), 2012
22. App Store
Designed by Apple, 2008
23. Spotify
Designed by Spotify, 2006
24. Amazon Prime
Designed by Amazon, 2005
26. Airbnb
Designed by Airbnb, 2008
27. Wikipedia
Designed by Wikipedia, 2001
29. iOS
Designed by Apple, 2007
31. WeChat
Designed by Tencent (Zhang Xiaolong), 2011
34. Skype
Designed by Skype, 2003
40. Facebook
Designed by Facebook, 2003
44. Super Mario Bros.
Designed by Nintendo (Shigeru Miyamoto), 1985
46. Apple Watch
Designed by Apple, 2015
50. Microsoft Office
Designed by Microsoft, 1990
64. Apple Pay
Designed by Apple, 2014
67. Pokémon
Designed by Satoshi Tajiri, 1989
74. Netscape Browser
Designed by AOL, 2005
Designed by JR East, 2001
97. Telephone Model 302
Designed by Henry Dreyfuss, 1937
这些票选的人都是果迷吗? 一百项里就上 8 样苹果产品,
前 50 名就包括
iPhone、Macintosh、iPod、MacBook Pro、App Store、iOS、Apple Watch、
甚至连 Apple Pay 都在 64 名,一口气入围 8 项,
相信如果在 PTT 票选完全会是另一个结果。
谷歌入榜搜寻引擎与地图,没想到 AndroidOS 没有上榜,
WeChat 居然高于 Skype? 微软则是只有 Office 榜上有名,
连日本的 SUICA 都在榜上,
Pixel? Galaxy? HUAWEI? Zenfone? HTC? OPPO?
Play Store? 谷歌助理? Chromebook? Bixby? 黄标言论的 YouTube?
作者: bighead50405 (大头大头下雨不愁)   2020-03-19 07:13:00
作者: benjaminchia (ben)   2020-03-19 10:06:00
作者: longkiss0618 (剑舞北极)   2020-03-19 10:26:00
无印良品电锅有很屌吗? 有心得吗

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