[情报] Sony将不参加2020WMC

楼主: frank3302 (水鬼)   2020-02-10 18:46:11
刚刚在Xperia Blog粉专看到的 http://bit.ly/2OKqOEO
"Sony pulls out of MWC 2020 due to coronavirus risks"
官方声明在这里: http://bit.ly/2Sektn6
Sony’s Participation at MWC Barcelona 2020
Sony has been closely monitoring the evolving situation following the novel
coronavirus outbreak, which was declared a global emergency by the World
Health Organization on January 30th, 2020.
As we place the utmost importance on the safety and wellbeing of our
customers, partners, media and employees, we have taken the difficult
decision to withdraw from exhibiting and participating at MWC 2020 in
Barcelona, Spain.
The Sony press conference will now instead take place at the scheduled time
of 8:30am (CET) on February 24, 2020 as a video via our official Xperia
YouTube channel to share our exciting product news.
Xperia YouTube channel
Sony would like to thank everyone for their understanding and ongoing support
during these challenging times.
简单讲就是因为武汉肺炎的关系 直接改为官方水管线上直播
时间在2/24 早上8:30(UTC) 所以应该是台湾时间....16:30...对吧?
作者: vincent0911x (身在曹营,心在汉。)   2020-02-10 19:01:00
作者: nicky0930ape (albee)   2020-02-10 20:45:00
期待索尼黑科技出现 等就知道了
作者: enderboy7652 (EnderBoy)   2020-02-10 23:03:00
作者: justin332805 (拍谢挖某营)   2020-02-11 03:56:00
笑死 看着楼上一堆喊收摊的看看PTT都喊几年Sony一定倒了还跟HTC一起下去勒$ony家大业大够它慢慢烧好吗平井一夫还在时就有说手机从来不是主要营收的项目不如说是技术维持还比较重要退出市场未来就会更加难以追回
作者: stellfeeling (泽)   2020-02-11 13:31:00
sony就是反应太慢 去年旗舰优点是cpu都有跟上 顺畅度也满分 但其它像全萤幕太慢 万年内存 电池容量增加太慢 即便相机去年部门整合后有进步了 但就是不跟着一起塞钱给dx0(没有在上市时一起公布分数表示没有自行送测跟配合结果调整重送) 这些陆厂玩烂的手段sony一个不碰 曲高和寡但还是蛮期待每次的发表会啦 毕竟一路以来太多死在沙滩的超前设计了 ex:7吋大萤幕 游戏手机 镜面背盖960f超慢动作 外接镜头 折叠平板
作者: justin332805 (拍谢挖某营)   2020-02-11 14:15:00
还好我当索粉下一只也不买了啊不是爱自慰啦 只是看到有人说跟HTC下去反驳一下而已呵呵 反应这么大干嘛呢而且我当然知道姨夫已经退休啦"还在的时候"有人没看到吗而且我是说通讯技术维持继续发展谁在跟你说要追其他品牌??

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