Re: [新闻] 豆腐头永远插著线?揭密害手机短命的“1

楼主: commandoEX (卡曼都)   2019-12-02 16:49:16
※ 引述《peterlin495 (专业果粉O'_'O)》之铭言:
: 豆腐头永远插著线?揭密害手机短命的“10大地雷习惯”
: 综合报导
: 2019-12-02 11:24:42
找了一下Bright Side原文,里面的内容看起来已经完全不一样了?
原文标题:11 Mistakes That Are Killing Your Phone
: 随着科技日新月异,手机成为现代人不可或缺的生活必需品,大家几乎人手一支,不管是拍
: 照、追剧、逛网拍抑或查资料等,全都离不开手机。不过你知道吗?其实一些不经意的小习
: 惯会害手机寿命减短,外媒《 Bright Side 》就整理了 11 个损害手机的“地雷行为”,
: 赶快检视一下自己有无中招。
: 1.随意下载不明的软件
: 无论是看影片或玩游戏,总会跳出许多应用程式、广告之类,基本上那些软件对你手机未必
: 有帮助,且还可能造成损害。
Applying weird DIYs from weird sources
At least once, we’ve all believed we could do something after watching a
video about it on YouTube. However, unreliable sources provide us over and
over again with “life hacks” that are not proven to be helpful but can
straight out damage your phone visually or otherwise.
不要看一些Youtube DIY改造影片感觉很屌就照着做,对你的手机没帮助还可能直接改坏
: 2.手机放窗户旁
: 把手机放在窗户边其实对手机本身也是不好的,即便阳光没有直接直射,但高温还是会使害
: 手机容易过热,严重的话可能导致芯片系统损坏。
Leaving it on the window or table to overheat
Yes, even sunlight through a window can make your phone overheat. While your
device won’t change visibly, overheating hits hard on the phone’s battery
and productivity — it can even damage the system’s chip.
: 3.豆腐头与 USB 线总插在一起
: 这一点想必不少人中招吧?很多人都有这坏习惯,且通常觉得没什么!原来豆腐头跟 USB
: 根本不会因为“频繁抽插而导致充电线短路”,一年四季都插再一起反而会害充电器寿命减
: 短。
Plugging it in carelessly
Have you ever found yourself plugging your phone in blindly before going to
sleep, jamming the USB plug into it carelessly and with force? Well, that
cuts the lifespan of your charger short. Electrical contacts are way more
delicate than we perceive them to be.
: 4.更新软件速度慢
: 许多人担心新版本不如预期,因此非必要绝不更新,但其实这样很可能会导致软件出现安全
: 漏洞。
Not updating the software and firmware when prompted by the phone itself
It’s the hardware that serves as the “body” of your phone, and the
software that serves as its brain and soul. Downloading software from
unreliable sources can make the phone malfunction, shut down, or can result
in all of your personal information to be transferred to an unknown person.
: 5.未定期清理手机内部
: 不仅外观要保持干净,手机内部也要定期清洁,很多我们看不到的小棉絮、灰尘或污垢都会
: 跑到里头,因此定期保养也非常重要。
: ▲豆腐头与充电线总是插在一起,恐有损手机寿命。(示意图/取自pixabay)
Not cleaning the inside of your phone
Do not avoid cleaning your phone on the inside — tons of dust and small
pieces of garbage and dirt from your pockets and bags can make their way into
your phone and interrupt the inner workings of the device (like make it slow,
for example). If you’re bad at dealing with technology, ask a professional
for help.
: 6.手机直接往包包丢
: 手机直接丢在包包中,除了容易让灰尘趁虚而入,如果你的包包里杂七杂八的东西很多,那
: 么手机有可能发生过热反应。
Putting it in a bag without a cover
The cover is not only a fashion statement, but it really helps protect your
phone from being stuffed with dirt and particles that accumulate at the
bottom of your bag. All of this, mixed with the insides of your phone, will
make the device overheat and can cause it to malfunction.
: 7.用便宜电池取代原厂电池
: 电池可说是手机的心脏,如果用来路不明或便宜的电池,可能导致手机寿命大幅减短。
Replacing the original battery with a cheap, phony one
The phone battery is the “heart” of the phone — it is its motor. Carefully
check what type of battery the service will put in if you take your phone to
get repaired — if it’s not the original part of the hardware, the lifespan
of your phone will be shortened significantly.
: 8.使用仿冒的手机周边
: 用仿冒的手机周边产品,如:耳机、充电现等,恐导致手机负荷不了而起火,甚至是爆炸,
: 因为它们大多是廉价材料制成,电源规格不一定与手机相符,存在潜在危机。
Knock-off chargers and headphones
It’s been reported that due to a difference in the electrical power and the
cheap makings of a charger, a device can sometimes catch fire. But not enough
people know that when you use knockoff headphones it can damage the phone
slot forever. This is because of the slight differences in the sizing of the
jack and plug.
: 9.粗鲁地清洁手机孔
: 清洁手机孔一定要细心,动不要太用力,以免破坏手机孔得不偿失
Cleaning out phone cavities yourself
Nobody wants their phones to have dusty insides — it slows down performance
and makes the phone overheat. But please use professional help or
conventional ways to clean out your phone (blow cleaner, etc.) since putting
pretty much anything in it will ruin the slots and delicate parts of your

: 10.把手机放在屁股口袋里
: 不少人习惯将手机放在裤子后面的口袋,但这么做不仅容易被偷,坐下或弯腰时,也可能折
: 到手机,导致弯曲或变形。
Leaving it in a back pocket
Remember how the iPhone 6 release was spoiled by phones bending in the back
pockets of their owners? This can happen to any slim smartphone. But in
addition to that, keeping your phone in your back pocket elevates the
possibility of it being stolen and damaged while you are visiting the powder
room or simply sitting down.
Holding your phone in your hand on the street
Literally, 40% of stolen iPhones last year were stolen while their owner had
them out on the street while talking on it via speakerphone. It is absolutely
necessary for you to be cautious and use a headset to talk when you’re on a
crowded street.
: (编辑:许苡晴)
: 心得:
: 有点好奇第五点是要怎么清理啊?
: 又不是电脑可以拆机壳,手机自己拆了防水保固就没了吧.....
作者: redbeanbread (寻找)   2019-12-02 17:34:00
充电器插三年没坏 手机已经摔第三只了
作者: oddoneislove (oddoneislove)   2019-12-03 13:10:00

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