[情报] Welcome HTC to the Android One family

楼主: powerdavid (hatano yee)   2017-11-03 11:05:44
Jon Gold
Director of Partner Programs, Android
Published Nov 2, 2017
Android One took some important steps two months ago in an effort to give peo
ple a fresh, secure software experience designed by Google on more high quality
devices. In a short amount of time, our partners have already announced some ama
zing phones, including the Xiaomi Mi A1and android One Moto x4 on Project Fi.
小米1A和moto x4 于两个月前加入Android one的阵容
Today, HTC is joining the Android One family with their HTC U11 life. Designed w
ith the latest touch interactions, a powerful camera, and immersive audio experi
ence, here’s a closer look at what you’ll get with the Android One version of
the new phone.
今天HTC U11 life也加入了
Smarts: All Android One devices are optimized for the Google Assistant, meaning
you can get help simply by saying “Ok Google” or long pressing on the home but
ton. With the Android One HTC U11 life, we’ve taken this one step farther; you
can now launch the Google Assistant with a squeeze of your phone, thanks to HTC
’s Edge Sense technology. With HTC U11 life, you can take a selfie, look up dir
ections, manage your tasks on the go and more with just a squeeze.
除了长按home键 说出Ok Google之外 还可以用挤压的方式启动Google assistant
Fresh and secure: This is the first Android One phone to launch with Android Ore
o. This means the HTC U11 life is more powerful than ever, with minimized backgr
ound activity for your battery to last longer, or even do two things at once wit
h Picture-in-Picture. Android One phones are guaranteed to stay fresh over time,
and are among the most secure with monthly security updates and built-in malwar
e protection with Google Play Protect. Moreover, the HTC U11 life will receive
an upgrade to Android P when available.
预载Android oreo 而且将会升级到Android P
Powerful camera: Take faster, clearer photos and HDR Boost on the 16MP main came
ra, even in low light. Google Photos will be the default gallery on this device,
giving you free and unlimited storage of your photos and videos at high quality
有着HDR BOOST技术的相机 这一刻更清晰
The Android One version of the HTC U11 life will launch first inGermany in Media
Markt stores and on Amazon.de. We look forward to bringing this device to ot
her countries in Europe and Asia Pacific later this year and into 2018.
Android one版本的u11 life将在德国上市 计画在2018于欧洲其他国家以及亚太地区推出
查了一下规格 有两种版本
sense版在美国发售 而Android one版本则是在欧洲发售
两者硬件规格相同5.2吋Full HD萤幕 3G/4G RAM 32G/64GROM
高通S630 IP67防尘防水 蓝芽5.0 Edge Sense 没有耳机孔 有NFC
相机部分文中提到HDR BOOST而不是HDR+ 我猜Google应该没有打算把HDR+释放给pixel以外
售价方面 北美sense版是349USD(折合台币10530元)
Android one版未知
期待u11 life可以在台开卖 小米A1没有全频段跟NFC啊啊啊
作者: rockmanalpha (KIN)   2017-11-03 11:09:00
这表示HTC还是没有值得买的中阶原本好像有一台660的啊 现在没消息好不好要看定价吧台湾买不到啊...这个倒是真的 这次HTC解决Home键偏下的方法就是把下巴变宽 XDDD

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