BadGame (人生 欢乐易忘却执著痛苦)
2017-10-26 23:57:35V30 XDA论坛的分享相片
flickr 又连不上了? 博物馆内
另外一个人夜间 非常黑(晚上9点) 手动20秒 有一般跟广角(有些叙述)
最后一张星空 (7张堆成1张?)
The way I achieved it was the way most people with DSLR takes night photos.
I had it propped up (Don't ever hand hold star photos) and took 7 pictures. I
then used the free windows program Sequator which stacks the photos and
compares the differences between the photos to remove noise. It only takes
about 20 seconds to do it. Then WALA. The final picture came out about 22
meg in size and looked amazing. I want to go out to a place with less light
bleed from the environment to take some but it might be a while