※ 引述《Sallina (琉璃子 )》之铭言:
: 今天早上起来一开机,发现手机出现“敬请重新整理您的帐户”讯息,
: 讯息是说Google帐户内容有变更,叫我重新登入,我想说该不会被盗了,
: 但是我有设两阶段认证,而且登入后也没看见任何可疑的地方。之后我发
: 现我另一支手机,还有我妹的手机也是出现一样的讯息,但看了爸妈的手
: 机却没有发生这样的事,不知道是哪里出问题了,请问今天有人遇到吗?
We've gotten reports about some users being signed out of their accounts
unexpectedly. We're investigating, but not to worry: there is no indication
that this is connected to any phishing or account security threats.
Please try to sign-in again at accounts.google.com and if you cannot remember
your password, please use this link (g.co/recover) to recover your password.
If you use 2-Step Verification, there may have been a delay in receiving your
SMS code. Please try again or use backup codes.
That it's not a security thing, but it's still a thing if you're one of the
unlucky people affected. For now, you can follow the advice and log-in again
from your phone or computer.
简单来说,Google今天有一整群的服务服务器都出了一点小问题(Google Wifi、Home等),