[情报] Google 公布 Nexus 保证支援的终止日期

楼主: iamxup6 (我林)   2016-06-24 15:16:04
原标题:Google Publishes End-of-Life Dates for Guaranteed Nexus Support
One of the major reasons why Android enthusiasts opt to purchase a Nexus device
are the guaranteed updates. At its Google I/O conference way back in 2011,
Google initially tried to get its partners to provide software updates for
their devices for at least 18 months.
为什么 Android 爱好者选择购买 Nexus 装置,其中一个主要的原因是它的保证升级。
回到 2011 的 Google I/O 会议,Google 原先尝试使它的伙伴提供它们的装置至少 18
While many devices unfortunately received the cold shoulder when it came to
the latest flavor of Android, for the most part Google kept its own promise
and provided quick software updates for most Nexus devices (we’re pretending
that the Verizon Galaxy Nexus never happened). Over time, Google has refined
its update policy to be more transparent to the end user starting with the
introduction of the Nexus Security Bulletin (now known as the Android
Security Bulletin) last year. With this announcement, Google began rolling
out monthly security patches to all of its Nexus devices that are promised to
continue for the longer of 3 years or 18 months after the device is delisted
from the Play Store. Additionally, Google promised to provide major Android
version OTA updates for 2 years after the device’s initial launch.
然而许多装置不幸地受到了冷淡的对待,当它们来到了最新的 Android,大部分 Google
遵守它的承诺并且对大部分的 Nexus 装置提供快速的软件更新(我们装作 Verizon
Galaxy Nexus 从未出现)。随着时间推移,去年 Google 对于终端使用者从加入 Nexus
Security Bulletin(现在作为 Android Security Bulletin 所知)开始已经提供它的升级
政策更加透明化。随着这个公告,Google对于那些被承诺持续长达 3 年或是 18 个月的
所有 Nexus 装置开始推出每个月的安全修补,随后这些装置将在 Play Store 中剔除。
另外,Google 承诺提供在装置最初推出后两年的主要 Android 版本 OTA 更新。
While the security bulletin was a major step forward in encouraging Android
OEMs to provide software support for their devices, one major issue remained:
when exactly will software support end for a device? For those of us who
would prefer a more exact timeline, Google has just published a table
indicating the end-of-life date for certain Nexus devices. Oddly enough, the
table is missing entries for the Nexus 4 or Nexus 6, though in the Nexus 4’s
case the device is long past its end-of-life date and for the Nexus 6 its
support will end in about 5 months.
当安全公告成为主要的步骤来鼓励 Android OEMs 提供这些装置软件支援,一个重要的议
已经公布表格指出对于确定 Nexus 装置终止。奇怪的是,这个表格完全缺少了 Nexus 4
或是 Nexus 6,虽然 Nexus 4 这个装置已经在过去结束生命周期并且对于 Nexus 6 它的
支援在 5 个月后结束。

This is the final date after which your device is no longer guaranteed to
receive a major Android software update. If you’re looking to taste whatever
the latest flavor of Android is poised to be released after your device has
reached the end of official Google support, you’ll have to head over to our
forums and flash a custom ROM. Remember though that you will still be
receiving monthly security updates for your devices so long as you’re still
within the eligible time-frame, and maybe a regular update or two if history
is to repeat itself. We’re hoping that Google will provide official
end-of-life dates for when they will no longer provide security updates as
well. Finally, and this one is a long-shot, here’s to hoping that OEMs will
follow Google’s suit in providing us with a roadmap of when their devices
will be left in the dust.
这是最终日期,在此之后你的装置将不再保证收到主要的 Android 软件更新。如果你已
经到了 Google 官方支援的终点却希望尝到最新 Android,你将势必前往我们的论坛并
刷客制 ROM。记得你的装置只要仍然在符合条件的时间内将持续收到每个月的安全更新,
如果历史重演,可能会有一两个一般的更新。我们也希望 Google对于那些不再提供安全
更新的装置提供官方的终止更新日期。最后,这个希望渺茫的是,希望那些 OEMs 会跟紧
Google 适当提供那些不见别人车尾灯的装置一个路线图。
另外,如果有看内文应该也会觉得奇怪,怎么Verzion Galaxy Nexus会被排除在外XDD
作者: answer012103 ( )   2016-06-24 16:24:00
LG做了NEXUS后算是洗白成功了已经让人家忘却以前放生的那段日子 XDD
作者: bluesapphire (Blue Sapphire)   2016-06-24 17:08:00

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