昨天晚上令人失望的HTC One A9发表会上 有个细节不知道大家有没有发现
原因是这样的: Android M在权限系统上面做了重大的变动
In it, Google explains that apps that target API level 23 will have to
request permissions to access certain protected features. OEMs won't be
able to avoid this, they will need to have dialogue windows for
permission requests (ie the pop-ups) and a central location to manage
all permissions (as in the Settings). These are non-negotiable (MUST)
从API Level 23开始 符合权限系统要求的APP都需要跳出权限需求视窗
而且OEM自己的软件也一样无法避免 用到一个额外的权限就要跳一个
More important however, is the fact that OEMs won't be able to (MUST NOT)
grant permissions to pre-installed apps. There are two exceptions here.
The first treats these like any other app, requiring them to ask for
permissions before doing anything substantial. The second is when these
apps are standard replacements for default ones, like the phone, camera,
contacts app, etc.
OEM不能直接开绿灯给他们自己的APP 只有两种情况:
1) 每个APP用到的时候自己跳视窗问
2) 拨号接口、相机、联络人这种默认会取代Google原版的