I don't think this is true...:) http://bit.ly/1wGbV8m 来自 @YouMobile
Very early Sense 7 build...okay, so where is the watermark(HTC Confidential,
S/N, Logged in e-mail address)? @YouMobile
And I guess this screenshot(Sense 7 3.x build) is taken on the HTC M8, but
3.x this build number is already used by EYE experience update...
1, Android 5.0 update for M8 will be released with Sense 6.
2, They haven't started porting Sense 7 software to M8 yet.
Screenshot is made from Sense 6 with EYE Experience + Skin + Change font +
modded build.prop:)
If you want to post fake HTC Sense 7 screenshot, don't forget to change build
number LOL