LPH66 (-6.2598534e+18f)
2016-12-16 02:12:28http://mojang.com/2016/12/minecraft-snapshot-16w50a/
We are happy to introduce the first (and final?) snapshot of Minecraft
1.11.1!!!!11oneone! This patch is mainly focused on fixing more bugs, but
also contains a number of minor features just in time for the Holidays. In
particular, there is a new use for the fireworks, but remember to be careful
when handling explosives.
There is also a new (potentially controversial) change to the combat
mechanics. Without revealing what it is, you will most definitely notice the
difference when you try out the snapshot. We anticipate much feedback.
Continuing on the combat system, there is a new sword enchantment, and
Mending is no longer compatible with Infinity on bows.
And finally, you can now recycle many tools and items in the furnace. The
reward is minuscule but considerably better than nothing!
Bugs fixed in 16w50a:
[Bug MC-3607] - Some entities, enchanted gear and end portals render white
while in fog / red while in lava
[Bug MC-7222] - 1-9 keys, hoppers/droppers and shift-clicking ignore stacking
[Bug MC-23039] - Dropped item disappear in Creative
[Bug MC-33383] - Lag while taking screenshot with F2
[Bug MC-67665] - Mouse click position always lags a few frames behind the
[Bug MC-88484] - Decimal numbers are displayed using the default Locale value
[Bug MC-101197] - Cannot use leads on wild ocelots
[Bug MC-104724] - Bed God Mode Exploit
[Bug MC-104778] - Non-hostile wild wolves and ocelots cannot be put on leashes
[Bug MC-105049] - Infinite Durability for Carrot on a stick
[Bug MC-106117] - Clouds flicker between different positions when spectating
[Bug MC-107638] - Baby Zombie Villager Voice sounds deep as adult version
[Bug MC-108319] - XP orbs sound effects mostly play high pitch sounds
[Bug MC-108464] - followRange Attribute doesn’t work properly on some mobs
[Bug MC-108673] - Fences and cobble walls moved by pistons don’t move
entities in the upper part of their collision box
[Bug MC-108943] - CustomPotionColor doesn’t change the colors of the
AreaOfEffectCloud / TippedArrow
[Bug MC-109028] - Picking up a flower from a Flower Pot makes no sound when
you already have that flower in your inventory
[Bug MC-109038] - Spawner with missing “minecraft:” in entity id (or with
not lowercased entity id) spawns this entity until you
reload the world
[Bug MC-109805] - Farmland can be placed on invalid locations
[Bug MC-109831] - Heads in inventory face backwards.
[Bug MC-109833] - “commands.title.usage” uses a different syntax
[Bug MC-110065] - Shift-Jumping on Magma Block deals damage to the player
[Bug MC-110076] - Weighted Pressure Plate name gets truncated when applying
enchanted book in anvil
[Bug MC-110094] - Entities can fall through moving fences
[Bug MC-110234] - Renaming a Wither doesn’t change the boss bar
[Bug MC-110244] - Moving blocks use 0,0,0 as surrounding to calculate their
bounding box
[Bug MC-110247] - Moving blocks can move entities into other moving blocks
(also when they move in a different direction)
[Bug MC-110333] - Mounted horse disappeared after 1.11 upgrade
[Bug MC-110474] - Activator Rail ejects Players (and 2 high Mobs) to the
wrong spot inside of 2 high rooms
[Bug MC-110598] - Unicode characters which are not converted 1:1 when calling
toLowerCase result in wrong formatting
[Bug MC-110756] - Llama yellow carpet model error
[Bug MC-110783] - Final firework rocket of a stack does not explode
[Bug MC-110808] - Eating Pufferfish in a stack of 1 does not give debuffs
Xisuma 的介绍影片
* 这是 1.11.1 的 snapshot
* 用 Elytra 飞行时使用烟火可以把你向上推高
* 有花样的烟火 (即含火药球的烟火) 爆炸时会造成伤害
死亡讯息是 <Player> went off with a bang
* 铁粒!各种模组里出现过的铁粒终于加进去了, 当然跟金粒:金锭一样是 9:1
* 铁/金制工具/装备/马铠甲在熔炉里烧可以给回一个铁粒/金粒
* 剑上的新附魔 Sweeping Edge, 让剑的挥击"剑气"有更多攻击力
* 弓上若有经验修补则不能再放上无限, 但倒过来似乎还可以 (bug?)
* 攻击的图示中现在有时会显示一个 ! 符号, 似乎表示对方在攻击范围内
(上面主文的 controversial 的改变应该是指这个)
* 其他一些 bugfix 就自己点进去看吧
又是一个旧物品新用途, 用烟火这点子确实很赞