Time for a new 1.11 snapshot!
The main focus for this snapshot is bug fixes, but Minecon is getting closer
and closer. Actually, it’s only two weeks left! Yay! And during Minecon, we
will show you all the new exciting features for 1.11!
And this snapshot includes…
Notable changes:
Multiple bug reports are now in prime state to be reopened again!
Bugs fixed in 16w36a:
[Bug MC-29544] - Particles from falling/landing/sprinting on leaves do
not use foliage color
[Bug MC-41270] - Resourcepack’s glyph_sizes.bin and some unicode_pages
are only loaded on startup
[Bug MC-83905] - Compass animates incorrectly
[Bug MC-95460] - Compass needle spins only in lower half randomly in the
End and Nether
[Bug MC-96463] - UV mapping in cross.json and tinted_cross.json models is
incorrect / South face of crossed textures of saplings, plants, etc. is
[Bug MC-101555] - Resource pack fails to load when the itemframe
blockstate is multipart
[Bug MC-103550] - Malformed ping packet from server crashes client
[Bug MC-105886] - World File Names Containing Brackets Will Not Load
Packaged Resource Packs
[Bug MC-105978] - Lingering Potions lose their effect when thrown in
[Bug MC-105982] - Placing a sign that was in a stack of 1 causes it to
lose it’s data
[Bug MC-106046] - Lava bucket gets used up in smelting
[Bug MC-106084] - Passengers do not upgrade correctly from old versions
[Bug MC-106314] - Don’t know what stat.killEntity.Creeper is
[Bug MC-106485] - Crafted Banner applied to a Shield defaults color to
black/doesn’t change the shield
[Bug MC-106536] - The block model of bone blocks lacks some cullface
[Bug MC-106665] - Pause on lost focus inconsistent spelling.
[Bug MC-106675] - Command feedback inconsistency.
[Bug MC-106708] - Block Model Random Offset Compatibility