[情报] 16w21a

楼主: sb117611 (sb117611)   2016-05-25 22:37:42
Last week the polar bears were released into the world. This week they can
enjoy their peaceful life in a world with less bugs.
Some of the changes and new features are not 100% finalized and we are going
to improve and balance them in the upcoming snapshots.
Most noticeable is the lack of sound effects for some of the new things in
the game. There is no need to report them as bugs as we are fully aware of
the issue and our sound magicians are already working on it.
Reporting bugs on our bugtracker is the best way to tell us about things that
are horribly broken or even crash your game. Please make sure the issue is
not already reported before posting a new ticket.
The bug tracker has a “search” function that will help you to figure out if
there’s already a ticket about the problem you want to report.
Notable changes:
Bugs fixed
More bugs fixed
Removed some broken code
Solved some reported issues
Changed some incorrect things in the game
Even more bugs fixed
Added …
Bugs fixed in 16w21a:
[Bug MC-10046] - Random destination routine has a small statistical
tendency to move more north west (fix included)
[Bug MC-28424] - Untamed wolves and ocelots disappear
[Bug MC-82425] - Insertion tag (tell raw) won't work on servers
[Bug MC-84422] - No teleportation from any vehicle
[Bug MC-86295] - The Ender Crystal beam is going the other way
[Bug MC-92165] - Minecarts won't pick up entities
[Bug MC-93642] - XPOrb texture turns gray right before reaching player
[Bug MC-93830] - Wolf tail height is not based on ratio of Health to
[Bug MC-95910] - Unable to activate end portal with non-air blocks in the
[Bug MC-95973] - Adult Horse/Donkey Pathfinding Issue: 1 block elevations
treated as 'non-traversable' terrain in certain configurations
[Bug MC-96131] - /execute detect command causing entities within a chunk
to be scoreboard reset
[Bug MC-96269] - Skeletons, stray, witches, blazes, guardians and snowman
can't shoot while in boats
[Bug MC-97201] - Elytra stops working on relog
[Bug MC-97526] - Signs, banners, skulls and chests are flashing when item
spawner is nearby
[Bug MC-97602] - Shift+clicking shield from inventory to shield slot
[Bug MC-99945] - Cooked fish with numeric IDs not imported properly
[Bug MC-101001] - Fishing rod cannot pull items
[Bug MC-101680] - Batching chunks
[Bug MC-102052] - Structure Blocks don't save properly
[Bug MC-102068] - "fallingdust" Particle doesn't seem to work
[Bug MC-102085] - New Polar Bear mob got stuck in standing position.
[Bug MC-102091] - blocks hitbox/f3 crosshair issues
[Bug MC-102103] - Savanna village blacksmith buildings burn themselves
[Bug MC-102119] - Polar Bear gets stuck in blocks when trying to chase
the player
[Bug MC-102209] - Structure Blocks melt snow
[Bug MC-102238] - Surface-level Abandoned Mineshafts generate outside
Mesa and its Variants
[Bug MC-102278] - Mob pathfinding do not avoid the magma block
作者: error405 (流河=L)   2016-05-25 22:38:00
结构方块能存盘了耶耶据说岩浆贴图坏了" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
load模式接口有改" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
更新项目参考 https://redd.it/4kzvkk水边村庄(上次就有)" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
作者: LPH66 (-6.2598534e+18f)   2016-05-26 00:56:00
作者: error405 (流河=L)   2016-05-26 01:04:00
可以打0到1.0的数字决定完整度 再打seed能固定随机样式能做些废墟之类的

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