sb117611 (sb117611)
2015-07-29 21:51:29https://mojang.com/2015/07/minecraft-snapshot-15w31a/
Update: Snapshot 15w31c has been released containing all these wonderful new
[Bug MC-2835] – Resizing the Minecraft window while dead grays out the
Respawn/Exit to Menu buttons and several other screens
[Bug MC-67952] – XP Orbs have graphical bugs when looking straight down
[Bug MC-82821] – Levitation potion is named "potion.levitation"
[Bug MC-82824] – Picking up items doesnt stack them into the offhand
[Bug MC-82828] – 1/4 of stairs get rendered incorrectly on one side
while in hotbar
[Bug MC-82832] – End Portal Spawns position changes
[Bug MC-82870] – Chorus Plant Hitbox
[Bug MC-82901] – Slight player offset when on Grass Path Block
[Bug MC-82928] – Items being slightly pushed down in the screen.
[Bug MC-83004] – Player in the Inventory is not displaying correctly
when not holding an item in the first slot!
[Bug MC-83068] – Fire floats above block
[Bug MC-83079] – Chest model in hand tilted awkwardly
[Bug MC-83163] – Purpur double slabs drop nothing when broken
[Bug MC-83239] – Respawned dragon doesn't have a health bar
[Bug MC-83448] – Dragon respawns in old world
[Bug MC-83702] – Subsequent dragons drop another egg when killed
[Bug MC-83883] – Using banner on cauldron creates another banner of last
[Bug MC-83894] – /replaceitem cannot place non-armor items into mobs'
head slot
[Bug MC-83906] – Map in offhand shows arms when invisible
[Bug MC-83943] – When I use pick block on double purpur slab blocks it
doesnt do anything.
[Bug MC-84000] – Holding enchanted armour gives same effects as wearing
[Bug MC-84035] – Enderdragon can't die unless perched on portal
[Bug MC-84131] – Potion of water breathing missing and fire resistance
(8:00) not working as expected
[Bug MC-84191] – Shulker looks weird when it rides on minecart
[Bug MC-84198] – Chorus Fruit can teleport you to the roof of the Nether
UPDATE: Snapshot 15w31b has been released and contains the following (and
probably some more) bugfixes:
[Bug MC-82808] – New arrow names
[Bug MC-82809] – Texture errors for Spectral Arrow
[Bug MC-82819] – Levitating for too long kicks the player
[Bug MC-82842] – Multiplayer whenever someone mines the body of another
player shakes
[Bug MC-82859] – You get a stack of the new arrow upon picking it up on
the ground
[Bug MC-82873] – Cannot get property on Rails
[Bug MC-82874] – When you do /kill with a left arm set it goes to a
right arm
[Bug MC-82876] – Hide particles not working
[Bug MC-82880] – Cannot get property while planting cocoa beans.
[Bug MC-82896] – /clear doesn't clear slots other than main inventory
[Bug MC-82907] – Signed Book and Quil messed up result
[Bug MC-82938] – Enderman missplaced arm + head
[Bug MC-83041] – Armor slots in /replaceitem do not work as intended
[Bug MC-83143] – Glowing effect does not have team color around armor or
held items
[Bug MC-83187] – Signs show opening and closing quotes on each line
[Bug MC-83313] – Failed to save chunk java.io.UTFDataFormatException:
encoded string too long: 65541 bytes
[Bug MC-83460] – Tellraw is completely broken!
[Bug MC-83623] – Item models break when tools with durability use the
Unbreakable tag.
[Bug MC-83709] – Scrolling in the "Miscellaneous" creative inventory tab
skips one row
[Bug MC-83818] – [Resource Pack Bug] Crash when using cull faces with
multipart blockstates
[Bug MC-83838] – ShulkerBullet NBT gets corrupted when (Owner,) Target
and Pos position are equal
It’s time! It’s that time again! It’s finally here! It’s snapshot time!
A little later than I’d have liked, but we’re now ready to start public
testing of Minecraft 1.9: The Combat Update. As you can expect from the name,
the update is mostly about cuddling and farming plants.
I’m not going to tell you what’s new, but I will tell you what isn’t new…
yet. These are the things you should not expect to find in this
Any balancing of any kind. Seriously, expect things to be hilariously
overpowered or underpowered.
Melee combat changes. Melee combat will change, just not in this snapshot.
Shields. They tie into the melee combat changes.
The meaning of life. That’s also for another snapshot.
Hugs. You can find those over here instead.
Perfect respawn mechanics of the end. You can respawn the dragon right
now by drawing a creeper face with clay, but it won’t respawn everything
yet. That’s temporary.
Lots of new items/blocks which don’t exist yet. That’s why you’re
respawning the dragon like above.
New potions or enchantments. There will be new ones, just not right now!
Subtitles support. It’s still planned for 1.9!
Lots of stuff, really. We have a lot of things planned for 1.9, and this
is just the first snapshot. Gotta keep some surprises!
A note for resource pack authors: We have changed the format of resource
packs slightly, and have support for versioning packs now. You can still use
incompatible packs, it just needs extra confirmation from the user.
A note for everybody else: Back up your world before updating. Things
will break, especially in such an early snapshot. Backup your world. Back it
up. Do it now.