sb117611 (sb117611)
2014-08-20 21:32:30https://mojang.com/2014/08/minecraft-snapshot-14w34a/
Update: Snapshot 14w34d has been released to fix the following bugs:
[Bug MC-2292] – OS X: Ctrl modifier key instead of Cmd
[Bug MC-3716] – Ender Pearls and Beds
[Bug MC-4329] – Parts of enchanted Leather Armor when held don't Shimmer
[Bug MC-5215] – MobSpawner "MaximumNearbyEntity" Tag only has maximum
range of 4 above and 4 below
[Bug MC-9164] – Chickens will not follow Melon seeds, Pumpkin seeds, or
Nether Wart
[Bug MC-29711] – "Sprinting" While flying
[Bug MC-48270] – Slimes appear for 1/2 a second in Peacefull
[Bug MC-55045] – Race condition in linux fullscreen toggle
[Bug MC-55172] – Mobs do not spawn at the heights 16, 32, 48, 64, 80…
(Multiples of 16)
[Bug MC-61601] – Bone meal used up when applying to fully grown crops
[Bug MC-68232] – Some items are missing pixels in 3D models
Update: Snapshot 14w34c has been released to fix the following crashes:
[Bug MC-44610] – Speeding up baby animal growth does not consume
growth/breeding item
[Bug MC-48011] – Ender dragon experience drops are not affected by
doMobLoot gamerule
[Bug MC-48577] – Item and XP drops are sucked towards the player's feet
instead of their chest/torso
[Bug MC-51123] – Endermites spawn from thrown ender pearls even when
doMobSpawning gamerule is false
[Bug MC-57247] – Creative Inventory screen causes fps drop
[Bug MC-57525] – Sponge absorbing bug
[Bug MC-65815] – Baby villagers display blocks on their head in the
wrong location
[Bug MC-67659] – XPOrbs attracted to spectators
[Bug MC-67830] – Ladder, torch and redstone torch texture are darker.
[Bug MC-68034] – clone, fill, setblock leaving behind ghost entities
Update: Snapshot 14w34b has been released to fix the following crashes:
[Bug MC-67915] – written_book item page text not backwards compatible
with v1.7 saves
[Bug MC-67974] – Crash when reaching y=254
[Bug MC-67976] – Cannot place armor stands
[Bug MC-67981] – Furnace Inventory is not being updated correctly /
Furnace is generally unusable
[Bug MC-67983] – Hopper: java.lang.NullPointerException: Ticking block
With some luck, this week may be the last week of 1.8 snapshots! We’re
hoping to do a pre-release this Thursday if there are no major issues
remaining in the snapshots by then. Please help us out by searching for
issues on the bug tracker and voting up the ones that affect you!
Notable changes:
Features fixed.
Bugs bettered.
Optimizations overworked.
Game grown.
Humanity happened.
Bugs fixed:
[Bug MC-36812] – Chat Opacity Option is not working
[Bug MC-50875] – "Can't see up thru clouds" effect starting 1 block too
[Bug MC-51298] – Sign / Banner darkens when displaying tooltips (tellraw
hover text, inventory, Player UUID in chat)
[Bug MC-51610] – Item frame causing duplication when loading map
(causing / caused by stack overflow)
[Bug MC-61676] – Tab list expands too far and is unreadable
[Bug MC-61946] – Rabbits sometimes have the name
[Bug MC-62166] – Breaking / placing / changing blocks has a delay to
disappear / appear
[Bug MC-62958] – Massive Visual Glitching with VBO turned off and Chunk
distance over 16
[Bug MC-67127] – Armor stands fall down through slabs when I'm not around
[Bug MC-67854] – CustomNames on Spiders, Endermen and Ender Dragons are
displayed incorrectly
[Bug MC-67872] – Furnace progress reset on left/right-click drag
[Bug MC-67890] – Heads On Tab Menu
[Bug MC-67896] – armor stand dropped down a few level on it's own
[Bug MC-67916] – Sign doesn't update with clone within tellraw sign
[Bug MC-67923] – clone and fill sometimes leave behind ghost tile
[Bug MC-67940] – Border of reset button in custom world option as
incorrect limits
[Bug MC-67941] – Potion particles goes wrong
[Bug MC-67947] – Podzol does not change into dirt when sapling grows
into tree
Nuaaukw (晨曦之憶ã€)
2014-08-20 21:34:00这"可能"会是1.8前的最后一版snapshot!!
hit1205 (帮你把勇气装满)
2014-08-21 12:34:00周四,所以就是今天了 OAO!
hit1205 (帮你把勇气装满)
2014-08-21 21:51:00Bukkit 今天公告他们要结束了,不过后来又被 Mojang 否决Mojang 说他们拥有 Bukkit 两年多了 @@
作者: gh0987 (喜爱FuGu的乌鸦) 2014-08-21 23:04:00
作者: PixiuFox 2014-08-22 12:55:00
可以理解成mojang 下聘,DB一干人带嫁妆嫁过来?(误)
nick5487 (nick5487)
2014-08-22 13:17:00好像是bukkit不做的话 mojang会接着做下去?
作者: PixiuFox 2014-08-22 13:59:00
我觉得只是@EvilSeph 忘记bukkit 是mojang 的,或者他突然累了想休息而已 XD