ntupeter (ntu dove)
2022-10-04 18:49:31※ 引述《analysis5566 (analysis5566)》之铭言:
: 原文来源:
: https://www.taisounds.com/Global/Top-News/EUROPE/uid5470703981
: 原文摘要:
: 泰晤士报:俄将在乌克兰边境进行核武演习 北约已示警成员国
: 更新2022/10/04 16:40 发布2022/10/04 16:24 作者/ 李宁怡
: 俄罗斯在乌克兰战场节节败退,总统普丁极力欲挽回颓势,已扬言可能动用核武“保卫领
: 土”。英国《泰晤士报》报导,北大西洋公约组织(NATO)已向成员国示警,指俄国将在
: 乌克兰边境进行核武演习,展现他不惜动用核武的决心。
: 加密通讯软件Telegram上的亲俄频道Rybar周日(10/2)发布影片,称是周末一长列俄国
: 军用火车载着军事装备穿越俄罗斯中部,开往乌克兰前线。
: https://i.imgur.com/Z3i3LIc.jpg
: 一名反普丁示威者9月30日在纽约联合国大楼外抗议。路透社
: 英国《每日电讯报》报导,这一列车是由俄国秘密核武部队运作,与俄罗斯国防部第12总
: 局(The 12th Main Directorate)有关,载运的装备包括高阶运兵装甲车等。
: 位在波兰的军事分析家穆兹卡(Konrad Muzyka)指出,俄罗斯国防部第12总局管理十多
: 处存放核武的中央储存设施,包括核弹的储存、维护、运输、下发也都由该局管理。他表
: 示,影片中运送的装备正是来自该局的一整套系统。
: 穆兹卡研判,在普丁上周扬言要动用核武后,此举可能意在进一步“向西方示意俄国要升
: 高情势”。他强调,这段影片绝不表示俄国“准备发射核武”。
: 英国《泰晤士报》报导:
: https://reurl.cc/QbK2rp
: 心得感想:
: https://i.imgur.com/YP9B0qH.jpg
: 疑似俄国秘密核武部队列车
: 普丁在乌克兰打了败仗
: 没招了!
: 只好一直拿出核子武器要吓乌克兰及北约
: 现在北约示警
: 指俄国将在乌克兰边境进行核武演习
: 以展现他不惜动用核武的决心!!
: https://i.imgur.com/8MVha9c.jpg
: https://i.imgur.com/icPm1id.jpg
: 俄罗斯独立电视台(NTV)播出的节目片段,标题为“预期核冲突-大规模杀伤性武器如
: 何成为地缘政治游戏的一环”
President Putin is set to demonstrate his willingness to use weapons of mass
destruction with a nuclear test on Ukraine's borders, Nato is believed to have
warned its members
The Kremlin has been signalling its readiness for a significant escalation as
Russia loses ground on the battlefield
Fears over Putin's earlier hints that he might resort to such tactics
heightened yesterday with claims that a train operated by the secretive
nuclear division was destined for Ukraine
Konrad Muzyka, a Poland-based defence analyst, said the train, spotted in
central Russia, was linked to the 12th main directorate of the Russian
ministry of defence and that it was "responsible for nuclear munitions,
their storage, maintenance, transport, and issuance to units"
波兰国防分析师Konrad Muzyka表示,在俄罗斯中部捕捉到的列车画面,其与国防部第十二管理总局有关,该局的任务就是“负责核武事宜,包括核武的贮存、维护、运输,以及投入到部队等”。
A senior defence source, however, said that a more likely demonstration of
Putin's readiness to use nuclear weapons could come in the Black Sea
Although they believed such a show of force would be more likely, they said
it was "not impossible" that Putin could fire a tactical nuclear weapon in
Ukraine. If he chose to do so, he faced a significant risk
The source said:
"They could misfire and accidentally hit a Russian city close to the
Ukrainian border such as Belgorod"
Nato is said to have sent an intelligence report to its members and allies
alerting them to Russia's plans to test its nuclear-capable torpedo drone,
Poseidon, dubbed the "weapon of the apocalypse"
The Russian submarine K-329 Belgorod, which is carrying Poseidon, is believed
to be headed to the Arctic. According to La Repubblica newspaper, it is about
to be tested in the area of the Kara Sea
Russia acknowledged that Ukrainian forces had broken through its defences in
the southern Kherson region. A defence ministry spokesman, told reporters
that the Ukrainians had seized territory thanks to "superior tank units"
and had "penetrated into the depths of our defence"
不如来开赌盘,看俄罗斯会不会真的核弹压下去,顺便赌赌看是在海里还是陆上试爆= =