[情报] 热火获得14顺位的签

楼主: blur13 (認識你自己)   2017-05-17 13:07:49
选秀抽签 一如预期 热火拿到#14
6/22 选秀会
Ira 列了10个可能的14顺位人选
Harry Giles, PF, Duke
This will be a case study of risk-reward when it comes to concerns about a
pair of knee issues for the highly skilled freshman. It is a decision that
could ultimately wind up being made in the medical suite, with a skill set
that says lottery.
T.J. Leaf, PF, UCLA
The thought here is a younger version of the stretch-four role created last
season for Luke Babbitt, who is an impending free agent. The question with
the freshman is about limited upside, although Goran Dragic said he came away
impressed watching in person at UCLA.
Justin Jackson , F, North Carolina
Jackson has been all over early draft boards, from the lottery to the 20s.
Pat Riley has long shown an affinity for polished players, with Jackson to
turn 23 next season. It could come down to how much the mid-range game
remains valued.
Ivan Rabb , PF, Cal
A year ago Rabb had a shot at the lottery, but instead returned for a
sophomore season of marginal growth. The lack of post offense is the concern
due to the lack of a stretch-four offense. But he also checks off several
boxes for this stage of the draft, with several similarities to Chris Bosh.
Zach Collins, PF, Gonzaga
The freshman could be the ultimate example of small-sample-size theater, but
could prove to be an intriguing complement alongside Hassan Whiteside.
Pre-draft workouts could provide the swing vote, depending on how deep into
the draft he decides to work.
OG Anunoby, SF, Indiana
This is another one of those tricky spots in the draft, after the sophomore
underwent season-ending knee surgery in January. Beyond the knee, the
question could be fit for the combo forward who can score both inside and
Luke Kennard, G, Duke
The type of 3-point-shooting combo guard that could function well alongside
Goran Dragic or Dion Waiters, and at a cheaper cost than picking up the
2017-18 guarantee on Wayne Ellington. The Heat this past season showed how
much they value shooting.
Terrance Ferguson , G , Australia
The raw 19-year-old who bypassed college to play professionally in Australia
offers shooting and backcourt athleticism, still growing into his body. A
risk-reward type of decision.
John Collins, PF , Wake Forest
Although the sophomore has been mentioned in the Heat's range and has a
Riley-type motor, there would appear to be too much overlap here with Hassan
Whiteside to spend a No. 14 pick.
Frank Ntilikina, PG , France
It will be interesting to see where the pass-first guard lands in such a
point-heavy draft, with the possibility of falling lower than expected.
Defends like a Pat Riley player. If he doesn't fall, it is possible North
Carolina State point guard Dennis Smith does.
可以参阅 前面板友的相关介绍
作者: LiaoCJ (TakeItEasy)   2017-05-17 13:10:00
作者: Alun021 (doubledog)   2017-05-17 13:18:00
作者: oeibei (红白)   2017-05-17 13:37:00
作者: zxcc (ccat)   2017-05-17 14:25:00
赞啦 14好好选吧叶子14也许拿得到 也许
作者: pi020412 (火燒的駱駝)   2017-05-17 15:05:00
作者: YummyBosh (帥氣火迷)   2017-05-17 16:12:00
作者: ray333 (ZRay)   2017-05-17 16:17:00
可是现在后场太挤了吧 缺pf 像去年溜马
作者: ignativs (james)   2017-05-17 17:21:00
作者: l5i9hbba (Zooky)   2017-05-17 18:13:00
会不会真的赌一波大的赌Giles叶子怎么看14都选得到吧 现在预测都蛮后面的反正试训就知道了
楼主: blur13 (認識你自己)   2017-05-17 18:24:00
叶子 今年14选到应该是没问题
作者: try107799 (Paul)   2017-05-17 18:31:00
作者: newhsun (Hsun)   2017-05-17 18:35:00
作者: ignativs (james)   2017-05-17 18:52:00
叶子好吗白人前锋 Rabb感觉比较好但是叶子搭配白边 应该蛮适合的
作者: miamiheatgo (热火Go)   2017-05-17 19:10:00
拜托捡到Zack Collins …
作者: yang1026   2017-05-17 19:25:00
楼主: blur13 (認識你自己)   2017-05-17 19:43:00
6/22就要选了 FA七月才开市叶子就目前联盟主流的stretch-4号 进攻范围到三分 不过防守我就不知道了考量Reed 离队可能性 或许会选一个能打 PF/C的 当白边替补目前球队尚未执行Ellington 的TO
作者: newhsun (Hsun)   2017-05-17 21:00:00
那真的要选4号位置 除非麦萝卜下季爆发
作者: l5i9hbba (Zooky)   2017-05-17 21:15:00
作者: hidelensman (男儿何伤溺水而拘游哉)   2017-05-17 21:19:00
还有一只Hamidou Diallo,虎扑上满多讨论说要选
楼主: blur13 (認識你自己)   2017-05-17 22:34:00
叶子 热火有找试训 其他的没注意
作者: YummyBosh (帥氣火迷)   2017-05-17 22:40:00
楼主: blur13 (認識你自己)   2017-05-17 22:45:00
抓鸡 TJ J-rich McGruder // Ellington 服务生 都留的话相对 4/5号就比较少了 要打小球 至少也要JJ那型的
作者: l5i9hbba (Zooky)   2017-05-17 22:49:00
那只没打过NCAA 老实说也蛮赌的好像身体条件很好的样子后卫如果以组织能力来看的确没很满...
作者: hidelensman (男儿何伤溺水而拘游哉)   2017-05-17 22:52:00
作者: YummyBosh (帥氣火迷)   2017-05-17 22:54:00
作者: hidelensman (男儿何伤溺水而拘游哉)   2017-05-17 22:58:00
作者: l5i9hbba (Zooky)   2017-05-17 23:07:00
楼主: blur13 (認識你自己)   2017-05-17 23:14:00
winslow 卖萝卜能上场的话 可以控一下不过纯控卫 真的就抓鸡了
作者: love1471590 (Evans)   2017-05-17 23:38:00
Hamidou Diallo 体能满劲爆的
作者: oeibei (红白)   2017-05-18 07:45:00
TJ Ellington或向下换签都可以啊,希望能选2~3个新秀
作者: YESWEDID (YES!WE!DID)   2017-05-18 09:38:00
往后换签选 RABB跟DIALLO一次补两个位置
作者: YummyBosh (帥氣火迷)   2017-05-18 13:19:00
作者: hidelensman (男儿何伤溺水而拘游哉)   2017-05-18 13:46:00
作者: jacky0122 (Goldenmad)   2017-05-18 15:53:00
作者: kahn298 (Wade)   2017-05-19 15:02:00
作者: cejb2003 (等待)   2017-05-19 21:00:00
作者: Gwendaline (米)   2017-05-19 22:04:00
个人比较喜欢叶子妹和John Collins虽然他们类型完全不同

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