liugayo (容易崩溃的火迷)
2016-04-11 15:08:04以下节录部分原文
“I’d probably still be in college — probably until I was like 30,” the
22-year-old Eastern Conference Rookie of the Month for March said. “I was a
kinesiology major at Tennessee. That’s the scientific study of human
movement. I wanted to be a surgeon. I was working on cadavers, doing labs
studying hearts and brains. I loved that stuff.”
Then Richardson paused and smiled and said, “but this is a lot better.”
Josh Richardson 说:
“(如果没进 NBA) 我可能会在大学持续进修到30岁,我在田纳西大学主修运动肌能学
Josh Richardson, who goes by the nickname Rook 2 in the Heat locker room,
received a new nickname from Hall of Fame-bound center Shaquille O’Neal at
halftime of Tuesday’s Heat-Pistons game, which was broadcasted on TNT.
O’Neal tabbed him BRA — short for Baby Ray Allen.
“I can’t really pay too much mind to it, but I think it’s cool somebody as
influential as Shaquille O’Neal gave me a nickname,” said Richardson, who
now leads all rookies in three-point shooting at 50 percent (49 of 98). “I’
m just going to keep playing ball, be a help to the team.”
“Rook 2”是热火lock room称呼他的绰号,不过最近大欧在 TNT 的节目上另外给他取
一个短名“BRA”(Baby Ray Allen)
Josh Richardson 说:
“You’ve got to understand we’ve watched him for years,” his mother,
Alice, a retired lieutenant with the U.S. Air Force, former high school
basketball referee and an active ordained Baptist minister said by phone.
“We’ve traveled with him all over this country watching him play. So, I
guess since we have seen the progression, it’s not a complete surprise. I’m
just very proud of him, of all the hard work he has put in, in order to be
where he is.”
Richardson 的母亲以前在空军高校的篮球队担任过裁判,而现在在基督教会从事教职人员
Said Josh’s father, Michael: “From the beginning we didn’t pray for him to
get drafted in the first round or No. 1 or anything like that. We just prayed
for the right fit, right place and the right home and we felt like he got
The hard work started early for Richardson. Before he dribbled a basketball
or his grandmother taught him how to play the piano, Michael, a retired
firefighter who still refurbishes homes, put a hammer in his son’s young
hands and put him to work.
“It was important for me to teach him that tools weren’t toys,” Michael
said. “So, he helped build a storage unit when he was like 4 or 5.”
Richardson 的老爸说:
Richardson 的老爸说:
Josh said he graduated to power tools when he was about 9 or 10. Whenever his
father would take on a project to refurbish a home, Josh said he would come
along and help. All throughout elementary, middle and high school, Josh spent
time with his father tearing out cabinets, installing floors, showers,
bathrooms and new kitchens.
Now, somewhere back home in Edmond, Oklahoma, where Josh was born and raised,
Alice said Josh’s 3-year-old nephew owns the same “itty-bitty” orange Home
Depot apron Michael gave Josh nearly two decades ago.
“We just wanted to instill a strong work ethic in him,” Michael said of
Josh. “We wanted to make sure that he had a broad understanding of many
different things and was not afraid of any kind of challenge.”
That’s something that spilled over onto the basketball court for Richardson.
现在,他爸依然会带着 Richardson 的3岁小侄子,指导他做一样的事。
Richardson 的老爸说:
经历过这些努力,都让 Richardson 在篮球场上获得潜移默化的效果。
At first it was a struggle. But Dragic, who has been helping Richardson adapt
to playing the point, said Richardson has done a much better job since the
All-Star break of setting up the Heat’s offense as his new backup. All the
while, Richardson also has gained the confidence from his teammates to take
the three-point shot when it’s there. Sometimes, Dwyane Wade said, the Heat
trusts Richardson to make them even when he isn’t open.
“He’s not scared and that’s an important thing,” Dragic said. “Sometimes
as a rookie you don’t find the game right away, but he figured that out
pretty quickly. He’s just going to get much better.”
Although he’s still backing up at point guard, Richardson (6-6, 200) could
end up playing the point, shooting guard or small forward down the road.
Asked what position he fits best, Richardson said he sees himself simply as “
a basketball player.”
二月,抓鸡、立群相继受伤时,Richardson 无缝接轨的给予热火火力支援。
一开始是有些不顺利的,不过抓鸡给了他一些指导,也称他做得很好。这阵子 Richardson
的三分能力已能获得队友的信任,Wade 也说过,大家相信他就算不是空档也能投进。
虽然 Richardson 只是替补后卫,不过身高 6呎6吋的他也能从1号位置守到3号。问他最
Asked to pick a favorite dunk Friday night, Richardson said he couldn’t. “It
’s like having kids,” he said. “You can’t have favorites.”
Center Hassan Whiteside has a favorite Richardson dunk: “I think that [dunk
in Milwaukee over Greg Monroe], just kind of set him off, put the confidence
in his leaping ability,” said Whiteside, who has grown close to Richardson.
“I told him, ‘You’re more than just a shooter. If they run you off the
[three-point] line, go dunk on somebody’s face.’ Now, I can’t even talk to
him directly. He’s too big-time. I’ll have to get his assistant on the
phone or something.”
记者问 Richardson 最爱的灌篮会挑哪个,他的回复是:“这就像是拥有孩子,你挑不出
倒是白边说他喜欢 Richardson 的其中一个灌篮,白边说:“我觉得对公鹿那场,他从
上周在主场打败活塞的那场比赛中,白边曾在 21呎远的地方直接投射,而不是试着
白边坐在 Juwan Howard 的旁边,听教了快三分钟,Spo才让白边回去场上。
"I think he just pulled me out just get some rest, just told me a couple
things he had seen out there," Whiteside said.
Reporter: What did he want to see?
Whiteside: "He said just keep blocking everything."
Reporter: He didn't say that.
Whiteside: "He did."
Reporter: He said he had some teaching moments.
Whiteside: "I love Spo."
上周看 "NBA inside stuff" 提到白边有个自闭症的弟弟,叫"Nassan"
他妈有感于其他家庭可能也有同样的问题,创了一个基金会叫"Nassan's Place"
4/6 没比赛的时候,白边去参加基金会 VIP的酒会
“I’d say at least 70 [percent],” Johnson said Tuesday when pressed to
provide a number on the chances he’ll return before the Heat wrap up the
regular season next week with trips to Detroit and Boston.
“I’m still optimistic for sure. It’s really based on how I feel. We go
through the same routine after every workout, seeing how it feels and then
the next day coming in and seeing how it feels. When it’s sore, I usually don
’t work out two days in a row. That’s what we’re trying to be able to do —
put consecutive days together.”
Johnson, who had surgery to repair the rotator cuff in his left shoulder on
Feb. 3, has been steadily adding more to his regiment during the past few
weeks. He started last month by getting involved defensively in 2-on-2 work.
Last week, he started shooting regularly with his left hand — going as far
out as the three-point line
Tyler Johnson左肩手术至今,4/7 时,他说自己感觉状况回复到 70%,预计在剩余的两场
现在 TJ 每次复健后,会做相同的例行事项,看看感觉如何。当肩膀疼痛时,就不会连续
2月3日手术至今,他上个月的复健过程是先参与 2对2的防守,然后上周开始用左手投篮,
Wade 跟白边都爱喝果汁的,之前白边还指著自己的肌肉说,喝柳橙汁头好壮壮