vitaminabc (God Damn, liar!)
2024-05-18 12:55:20前篇提到自己是个孬货
每天觉得工作压力好大, 但却只是个孬咖
曾几何时, 给自己立下一个愿望, 能做一件事让自己名留青史
原来这只是个幻想, 还好幻想不犯法, 顶多被笑而已
但现在我真的确定自己很废, 有时想想真不如去死一死比较舒坦.
在2008年, 我还真的真的搞出了个东西(不是小孩, 我家老大是2011年生的)
那时老板叫我找一个材料, 它叫铜球 Copper ball
这个铜球不困难, 当时台湾很多金属加工厂做得出来, 不是难事儿
但是 I needed blonze balls of diameter not bigger than 0.8mm
At that time, it's pretty much difficult for Taiwanese suppliers to do it.
Most of Taiwanese companies told me that the current capability limit was
1.0mm. The methology they were using was unlikely to achieve real spherical
Thus I spent 4 hours in Google searching engine every single day and tried to
find if anyone was capable of it.
Approximately 2 weeks, I found one Japanese company might have the thing I was
Nobody knew how I was excited and anxious back then.
I encourged to telphone them; but no one from that company understool what I's
saying in English. All I could do was to drop them an e-mail and ask them if
they had Taiwan agency to answer my questions.
Oh! Gosh! Eventually, I got the copper ball of diameter 0.5mm after 3 weeks.
My boss brought the copper ball samples to Staff meeting and every manager in
that meeting was inspired. And my boss said to them: this sample was acquied
by me. Suddenly, I became a well-known guy in our organization.
Of course, many many Taiwanese companies can provide this kind of copper balls
now. And this copper balls are broadly adopted in the semi-conductor products
at the moment.
看我有多废, 2024年还在提16年前的自认为的高光时刻.