肥宅昨天下班时 接到来自新加坡的电话!!
唔 通常只有两个可能 1 诈骗 2 猎人头
然后她就跟我用英文聊 一开始就说她是万豪 嗯哼 继续 嗯哼
讲著讲着她突然说 啊 我们用中文聊吧 = =
原来是 Exclusive Deal For Marriott Gold Coast Australia
哇 只要 199 星票一个晚上 哇!!!! 我以为是含机票 399 四天三夜 那我立刻下订单
肥宅怕她是诈骗 请她寄信来 然后这个然后来了 跟老婆聊完 女王眼睛突然闪闪发光
默默说著 走喔... = = 唉 那理去抢钱比较容易?
1) Package is sponsored and subsidized by MVCI Asia Pacific Pte Ltd.
2) Failure for either partner to attend the presentation will result in
charges of the full retail value (USD $300 per night) of this package.
3) Monthly income must exceed SGD$10,000.
4) One offer per household.
5) Offer is non-refundable, non-transferable and cannot be used in
那来月收超过 10k , 有啦 10k 台票...